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deponent Meaning in Bengali

 আদালতের সাক্ষী



deponent শব্দের বাংলা অর্থ এর উদাহরণ:

সেফালের দুর্গ মুক্ত করতে ৮৩৮ সালের বসন্তে মুচলেকা সিসিলিতে আসেন ।

যারা মুচলেকা দিতে চায়নি তাদের কে অকথ্য অত্যাচার করে চীনের কনসেনট্রেশন ক্যাম্পগুলোতে ।

দেশে ফেরার জন্য তাকে মুচলেকা দেওয়ার প্রস্তাব দেওয়া হয় এই শর্তে যে তিনি ব্রিটিশ বিরোধী স্বাধীনতা আন্দোলন ।

সেই বিক্ষোভ চলাকালীন তাদের আটক করা হয় এবং কিছুক্ষন পর মুচলেকা দিয়ে ছেড়ে দেয়া হয় ।

মুচলেকা আক্রমণকারী দলগুলোর বিরুদ্ধে মুচলেকা বেশ কিছু সাফল্য অর্জন করে, কিন্তু কনস্টান্টিনোপলে ।

২ এপ্রিল ২০১৮ তারিখে বিজিএমইএ মুচলেকা দিয়ে পুনরায় আদালতের কাছ থেকে এক বছরের জন্যে সময় পায় ।

deponent's Usage Examples:

linguistics, a deponent verb is a verb that is active in meaning but takes its form from a different voice, most commonly the middle or passive.

A deponent verb.

deponent, is usually notified to appear at the appropriate time and place by means of a subpoena.

Frequently the most desired witness (the deponent).

oath) is a written statement of fact voluntarily made by an affiant or deponent under an oath or affirmation which is administered by a person who is authorized.

four windows; deponent then went into the house for fear of her life; the windows were smashed, sashes and all; they attacked deponent’s two daughters.

There also exist deponent and semi-deponent Latin verbs (verbs with a passive form but active meaning), as.

counterpart) are called deponent verbs: ipse in Italiam profectus est (Caesar) 'he himself set out for Italy' Although most deponent verbs are intransitive.

These are known as "deponent" verbs.

shortened form of the preposition ex), meaning "out (of)", and loqui, a deponent verb meaning "to speak".

There are two and only two instances of a deponent participle (passive form with active meaning) in the Hebrew Bible: nəḥittim.

Parrish of Templeport Wanderer: whoe as this deponent hath beene credibly tould murthered this deponents owne mother) Phillipp mc Hugh mc Shane o Rely.

with them but to keep them safe for this deponent: whereby this deponent lost aboue £100 sterling.

This deponent further saith that the aforesaid Tirlogh.

not, for that he, this deponent, hearing of theyr approch before, they came to the Carne aforesaid fledd away.

This deponent further saith that his father's.

beginning of the present Rebellion within the County aforesaid shee this deponent and her said husband (whoe was then alyve) were expelled and driven from.

The present stem can be found by omitting the -re (-rī in deponent verbs) ending from the present infinitive form.

turning’ (< vertere, ‘turn, revolve’) The deponent verb minārī (‘threaten’) has frequentatives of both deponent and active form: minitārī and minitāre.

deposeth and sajth That about the beginning of the presente Rebellion this deponent was deprived robbed or otherwise dispoiled ' Lost by the Rebells: his meanes.


informant; witness; testifier; deposer; witnesser;


expert witness; lay witness;

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