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disaggregation Meaning in Bengali

disaggregation's Usage Examples:

The Yangtze Plate was formed by the disaggregation of the Rodinia Supercontinent 750 million years ago, in the Neoproterozoic.

authors split the process of liberation into three steps: disintegration, disaggregation and dissolution.

Micrite can be generated by chemical precipitation, from disaggregation of peloids, or by micritization.

biosynthesis and action of those prostaglandins which cause platelet disaggregation, vasodilation and increased capillary permeability.

It was formed by the disaggregation of the Hydro-Electric Commission, and ceased operation when it was merged.

and Western Power were created in 2006 as a result of the breakup (disaggregation) of Western Power Corporation.

classification problem, the indirect technique is known as preference disaggregation analysis.

this methodology, instead proposing a microanalysis approach and the disaggregation of data.

(2) Dispersion (or disaggregation) causes clay platelets to break apart and disperse into the water due.

In January 2013 the school began disaggregation to form Plymouth University Peninsula Schools of Medicine and Dentistry.

traditionally had strong tribal bonds with the Bailgu, and one result of the disaggregation and dispersion of the old territorial-tribal orders is that the two.

ONEedge, a project to bring the private cloud to the edge through cloud disaggregation.

these rocks are crystals of the mineral zircon, which can survive the disaggregation of their parent rock and be found and dated in younger rock formations.

Indirect procedures are referred to as preference disaggregation analysis.

The preference disaggregation approach refers to the analysis of the decision–maker's.

During the industrial revolution, disaggregation often entailed replacing tradesmen such as blacksmiths, carpenters,.

Different levels of storage disaggregation functionality exist, with the most flexible, full disaggregation, enabling storage capacity and/or performance.

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