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disenfranchise Meaning in Bengali

disenfranchise's Usage Examples:

Supreme Court that found an electoral district with boundaries created to disenfranchise African Americans violated the Fifteenth Amendment.

three states (the others are Florida and Virginia) that permanently disenfranchise all persons with felony convictions even after they have completed their.

southern states were passing new constitutions and laws designed to disenfranchise blacks by making voter registration and voting more difficult.

best known for his opposition to the gold standard and his efforts to disenfranchise Mormon voters.

claimed that Mississippi’s voting laws were upheld with the intent to disenfranchise African Americans, thus violating the Fourteenth Amendment.

unconstitutional, as intentionally drawn to keep Republicans in power and disenfranchise Democratic voters.

As there was no stated intent in law to disenfranchise blacks, the Court upheld the state law.

uprising in Assam, India, that demanded the Government of India to detect, disenfranchise and deport illegal Bangladeshis.

late 19th century, they passed new constitutions from 1890 to 1908 to disenfranchise blacks, excluding them totally from the political process.

disenfranchisement was mandated by § 182 of the Alabama Constitution, which disenfranchised persons convicted of "any crime .

single-party white rule, impose legal segregation and "Jim Crow," and disenfranchise blacks with a new state constitution adopted in 1895.

sponsor of the Voter ID law that voting rights advocates warned would disenfranchise Native American voters.

payment was a precondition to voting in an election) have been used to disenfranchise impoverished and minority voters (especially under Reconstruction).

Blacks would be able to vote too, so the search began for other means to disenfranchise them.

released a statement the following day, saying the litigation seeks to disenfranchise voters, and that his department "will ensure that Wisconsin's presidential.

Thatcher era onwards and how it has been used a political weapon to disenfranchise the working class, dismantle societal structures designed to support.

grandfathers had been registered voters, and were largely designed to disenfranchise former black slaves and their descendants.


deprive; disfranchise;


enrich; feed; enfranchise;

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