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disenchantment Meaning in Bengali

disenchantment's Usage Examples:

In social science, disenchantment (German: Entzauberung) is the cultural rationalization and devaluation of religion apparent in modern society.

The title translates as "venereal disenchantment" in English.

understanding the processes of rationalisation, secularisation, and "disenchantment", which he took to be the result of a new way of thinking about the.

bands reporting disenchantment with the role of taqwacore in their lives, the author himself wrote of confusion and self disenchantment in his book titled.

O'Hearn carried seven parishes in northern Louisiana, a sign of growing disenchantment by conservative Southern whites with the Kennedy administration, but.


disillusionment; sophistication; edification; disillusion;


naivete; unenlightenment; enchant;

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