elytral Meaning in Bengali
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elytral's Usage Examples:
antennae arise close to each other and some members have the pronotal and elytral edges extended to the side and covering the legs so as to give them the.
or may not be visible, usually as a small triangular plate between the elytral bases, thus similar in position to the Hemipteran scutellum.
brownish-yellow margins; body oblong; elytral margins almost parallel-sided for more than half of their length; elytral disc with many small surface pits.
Similar to Stegocoleus, Brochocoleus and Jarzembowskiops it has flat, wide elytral edges, but can be distinguished from these genera in several characters.
narrower than elytral bases, or distinctly narrower than elytral bases.
Greatest prothoracic width not or slightly narrower than greatest elytral width, or.
The elytral colour has been identified as being controlled by two genes with two alleles.
(from Latin cribro 'sieve', and penna 'wing') refers to its large, sparse elytral punctures.
sides, all veins ending on Sc along the lateral elytral edge, veins well expressed, explanate elytral sides with diffuse small microtubercles, and abdominal.
laterally coadunate metepisternum (a feature of the exoskeleton), and an elytral ridge formed by the fusion of intervals 7 and 8.
number of characters, including the pattern of asetose punctures along the elytral striae.
are placed within subtribe Clavigeriodina due to their occipital carina, elytral pubescence, and composite tergite.
dorsally flattened beetles having very long, filiform antennae, wide elytral epipleura, fused elytra, and absence of hind wings.
The elytral suture is green.
They are dark grey, have thoracic and golden grey elytral pubescence and the head has an extended rostrum.
LeConte in 1855 and is characterized by slightly divergent and prolonged elytral apices.
The elytral markings are very light-colored cream or white.
and pronotum are roughly sculptured, and there are bristly scales on the elytral ridges.
cavities and, in the male, elongate mandibles, clypeal horns, and modified elytral apices.
Males have spines apical elytral angles.