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epitaphs Meaning in Bengali

 সমাধিস্তম্ভ লিপি,



epitaphs শব্দের বাংলা অর্থ এর উদাহরণ:

হযরত শাহজালালের দরগাহ সংলগ্ন কবরস্থানে ওসমানীর সমাধিস্তম্ভ-লিপি

এমনই একটি ঘটনার নির্দেশনা পাওয়া যায় একটি সমাধিস্তম্ভ-লিপি থেকে, যা থুরিয়া নামক হিরোডোটাস এর তিনটির মধ্যে একটি সম্ভাব্য সমাধিতে ।

epitaphs's Usage Examples:

poets have been known to compose their own epitaphs prior to their death, as did William Shakespeare.

Most epitaphs are brief records of the family, and perhaps.

gave Michelangelo many gifts so that Michelangelo would keep writing him epitaphs.

phrase "peace to thy gentle shade [and endless rest]" is sometimes seen in epitaphs, and was used by Alexander Pope in his epitaph for Nicholas Rowe.

Examples of the scripts appeared most often on epitaphs and monuments, although other fragments sometimes surface.

five hundred years chronograms occurred in the epitaphs of European Jews.

Thus the dates of the epitaphs of the family of Asher ben Jehiel in the first.

characterised by their gloomy meditations on mortality, "skulls and coffins, epitaphs and worms" elicited by the presence of the graveyard.

Since 1902, epitaphs and tombstones which originally covered the floor of the church completely.

A collection of the epitaphs from the Merry Cemetery exist in a 2017 volume called Crucile de la Săpânța.

a collection of short free verse poems that collectively narrates the epitaphs of the residents of Spoon River, a fictional small town named after the.

The term also included epitaphs, sad and mournful songs, and commemorative verses.

Yingzhe to produce a critical edition of two newly discovered Liao Dynasty epitaphs written in the Khitan small script.

classicist, poet and dramatist and the author of several celebrated martial epitaphs.

Within the church premises there are tombstones and epitaphs for the Frederick Reedtz who was buried here.


lettering; inscription;

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