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farms Meaning in Bengali

 খামার, খামারবাড়ি, পশুপালনের প্রতিষ্ঠান, গোলাবাড়ি, জোত,


জোত, গোলাবাড়ি, খামারবাড়ি, পশুপালনের প্রতিষ্ঠান, খামার,


আবাদ করা, কর্ষণ করা, ভাড়া বিলি করা, জমা দেত্তয়া, চাষ করা, ইজারা লত্তয়া, ইজারা দেত্তয়া, ভাড়া লত্তয়া, ভাড়া দেত্তয়া,

farms's Usage Examples:

used for specialized units such as arable farms, vegetable farms, fruit farms, dairy, pig and poultry farms, and land used for the production of natural.

Wind farms vary in size from a small number of turbines to several hundred wind turbines covering an extensive area.

Wind farms can be either.

Wind farms consist of many individual wind turbines, which are connected to the electric.

emergency or disaster assistance, and other aid, many black farmers lost their farms and homes.

In some Clarias farms, about 10% of the water volume can consist of fish biomass.

This is a list of farms in Cornwall.

Intensive farms hold large numbers of animals, typically cows, pigs, turkeys, geese, or.

of communal farms: Agricultural cooperatives, in which member-owners jointly engage in farming activities as a collective, and state farms, which are owned.

A more comprehensive comparison of wiki farms can be found on MediaWiki's site, at mw:Hosting services.

2 million farms, covering an area of 922 million acres (1,441,000 sq mi), an average of.

Smallholdings are usually farms supporting a single family with a mixture of cash crops and subsistence.

Kolkhozes existed along with state farms or sovkhoz.

Mixed farms with both livestock and crops can operate as ley farms, whereby the land gathers fertility through growing.

Northerners who wanted individual farmers to own and operate their own farms, as opposed to Southern slave-owners who wanted to buy up large tracts of.

state-controlled farms: Kolkhozy and Sovkhozy accordingly.

The Soviet leadership confidently expected that the replacement of individual peasant farms by collective.

UK wind farms have been expensive to build and operate, and they are subsidised through.


chicken farm; stud farm; cattle ranch; workplace; farmhouse; piggery; sewage farm; truck garden; sheepwalk; cattle farm; dairy; spread; dairy farm; grange; home-farm; farm-place; work; pig farm; vineyard; farmyard; sheeprun; croft; farmplace; truck farm; vinery; farmstead; ranch;


malfunction; fail; inactivity; idle; studio;

farms's Meaning in Other Sites