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fatalistic Meaning in Bengali




fatalistic শব্দের বাংলা অর্থ এর উদাহরণ:

তার লেখাগুলো বেশিরভাগ ক্ষেত্রেই পরবাস্তববাদী, বিষাদগ্রস্থ অথবা অদৃষ্টবাদী, যা গভীরভাবে কাফকায়েস্ক ।

fatalistic's Usage Examples:

with classical Zurvanism as a foundation: aesthetic, materialist, and fatalistic.

They usually have a fatalistic view of life with their characters living on the margins of society, either.

philosophies, which he calls materialist Zurvanism, aesthetic Zurvanism, and fatalistic Zurvanism.

rejected for psychological, not scientific reasons, because it leads to a fatalistic or "fixed" conclusion about human existence – our 'past', 'present', and.

He is often noted for his philosophically pessimistic and fatalistic view of human existence—his system of philosophy was inspired by the German.

including theology, morality, aesthetics, naturalism and also Sade's dark, fatalistic view of world metaphysics.

invitation to a vending machine to buy Julie a wedding ring and includes a fatalistic reference to failing to "pray for the angels" and them causing the couple.

While initially appearing brutal and fatalistic, he later proves to be far more honorable, sympathetic and compassionate.

However, many men have adopted fatalistic attitudes in response to the epidemic, convincing themselves that death.

Their fatalistic duties lead them to form a macabre pact; a tontine into which they donate.

Out of the Past is an example of film noir due its complex, fatalistic storyline, dark cinematography, and classic femme fatale.

It is disputed whether this reflects a fatalistic outlook on the part of the author.

A critique of economic determinism that opposes fatalistic interpretations of Marxism.

of the Body Snatchers (1956), described by The Guardian in 2014 as a "fatalistic masterpiece" and "a touchstone for the sci-fi genre" which spawned three.

He is remembered for his opposition to totalitarianism and for fatalistic works inspired by Catholic morality.

(German: Türkengefahr) is a popular expression in historiography to signify fatalistic and apocalyptic societal sentiments in Central Europe, and especially.

The novel ends with much the same fatalistic line used in the movie: "God or Fate or some mysterious force can put.





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