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gating Meaning in Bengali

gating's Usage Examples:

Clock gating is a popular technique used in many synchronous circuits for reducing dynamic power dissipation, by removing the clock signal when the circuit.

membrane potential, shaping action potentials and other electrical signals by gating the flow of ions across the cell membrane, controlling the flow of ions.

noise gating can add artifacts that are more distracting than the original static.

In the context of a multi-microphone recording session, noise gating is.

Fan-gating (also known as "Like-gating") is the practice of acquiring more fans for a Facebook page by requiring Facebook users to "like" the page in order.

Power gating is a commonly used circuit technique to remove leakage by turning off the supply voltage of unused circuits.

Power gating incurs energy.

vertical part of the gating system.

Runners: The horizontal portion of the gating system that connects.

Gating occurs through two mechanisms: protopore or fast gating and common or slow gating.

Common gating involves both protein subunits.

Tailgating is when a driver drives behind another vehicle while not leaving sufficient distance to stop without causing a collision if the vehicle in front.

including SGTx1 (76%) and grammotoxin (43%), both of which have similar gating-modification properties as hanatoxin (Lee 2004).

channels are treated as a population that are affected by three independent gating variables.

Channels that have been shown to exclusively use this mechanism of gating are the TREK-1 and TRAAK channels.

There is some evidence that rufinamide can modulate the gating of voltage-gated sodium channels, a common target for antiepileptic drugs.

as gating or filtering, sensory gating prevents an overload of irrelevant information in the higher cortical centers of the brain.

Sensory gating can.

In electrophysiology, the term gating refers to the opening (activation) or closing (by deactivation or inactivation) of ion channels.

these channels can provide insight into their function and mechanism of gating.

Electronic Gating (or 'gating') is a means by which an image intensifier tube may be switched ON.

partially caused by sensory gating issues; this is supported by the fact that people with PTSD suffer from impaired P50 gating and an inability to filter.

gray bat's range, the United States government is funding cave gating programs.

Cave gating is an accepted method in protecting cave dwelling species as.

Gated recurrent units (GRUs) are a gating mechanism in recurrent neural networks, introduced in 2014 by Kyunghyun Cho et al.

Other gating mechanisms for ion channels include voltage-gated ion channels, ligand-gated.


tollbar; wicket door; lock; portcullis; flexible joint; lock-gate; tail gate; tailboard; wicket gate; turnstile; movable barrier; postern; turnpike; wicket; tailgate; lichgate; head gate; tollgate; hinge; lychgate;


unfasten; unlock; disengage; precede; detach;

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