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gazebo Meaning in Bengali



gazebo শব্দের বাংলা অর্থ এর উদাহরণ:

এটি রেনেসাঁস যুগের বারোটি পার্শ্বযুক্ত গাজেবো যার আটটি উন্মুক্ত এবং চারটি বৃত্তাকার বন্ধ আর্কেড (তোরণ) রয়েছে ।

ও জীববিজ্ঞান ইউবি অণুষদের অবস্থিত) এবং গোল আস্তাবল (প্যাভিলিয়ন), একটি গাজেবো, একটি ঝর্ণা এবং ছায়া (পেড্রালবেস প্রাসাদের বাগান) এবং বাড়ির-আবাসস্থলের ।

gazebo's Usage Examples:

A gazebo is a pavilion structure, sometimes octagonal or turret-shaped, often built in a park, garden or spacious public area.

The Town Lake Gazebo (also known as the Women in Construction Gazebo or Fannie Davis Town Lake Gazebo) is a historic gazebo on the south shore of Lady.

As a type of gazebo, it may also be an extension of a building or serve as protection for an.

The Bowser Gazebo is a historic gazebo at 25 Linden Street in Reading, Massachusetts.

artwork, created in 1995, takes the whole park as its theme, and includes a gazebo in the middle of the park with handles of tools and grills forming the ornamental.

Canopies can also stand alone, such as a fabric covered gazebo or cabana.

park in downtown Silver Spring, Maryland, which features an acorn-shaped gazebo and an artificial grotto.

playgrounds, basketball courts, tennis courts, covered picnic areas, a historic gazebo and other amenities.

1906 and the Paola Park Square's Victorian-style gazebo is from 1913.

The library, courthouse, gazebo, and several homes are among those still in use today.

A gazebo was erected in the town in 2010 to commemorate the early settlers and launch the book East of the Fence; the gazebo contains historic.

In form bandstands resemble ornamental European garden gazebos modeled on outdoor open–sided pavilions found in Asian countries from early.

of bleachers located along its south side and has long contained a small gazebo on its east side.


edifice; summerhouse; building; belvedere;



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