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gazed Meaning in Bengali

 স্থির দৃষ্টিতে তাকাইয়া থাকা, একদৃষ্টিতে তাকান,


স্থির দৃষ্টি, ঠাউর,


একদৃষ্টিতে তাকান, স্থির দৃষ্টিতে তাকাইয়া থাকা,

gazed শব্দের বাংলা অর্থ এর উদাহরণ:

অন্যান্য শিখরগুলি হল ইকুয়ালারি (৬,০৫৯ মিটার), নন্দ গন্ড (৬,৩১৫ মিটার), নিতল ঠাউর (৬,০৫৯ মিটার) ।

gazed's Usage Examples:

in glee: A poet could not but be gay, In such a jocund company: I gazed—and gazed—but little thought What wealth the show to me had brought: For oft.

O whoever sees a lightning-flashing cloud that I have gazed for through the night pouring profuse rain upon the riverbed‘s black basalt.

reducing the image quality in the peripheral vision (outside of the zone gazed by the fovea).

Once lying upon the ground, before death, Huang Yuanji gazed at the sky one final time in the name of his sworn lord, Chong Houhu.

Some areas are gazed by horses.

port of Sa from four to five hundred persons seamen and inhabitants who gazed at the flotilla.

Those who gazed into her eyes would turn to stone.

The image of Nathan Hale gazed at passersby in almost the same location, where in 1782, he was hanged by.

the BBC described it as "the world's worst mural, at which I have sat and gazed for many bewildering hours".

power difference, which is felt by the gazer and by the gazed, because the person being gazed at is perceived as an object, not as a human being.

subjects to be gazed and the fundamental differences between the perspectives of male and female.

B-C – A dwarf who loves to gaze and be gazed by people.

Nazarbayev or Nazarbaev is a Kazakh masculine surname which literally means "gazed rich man".

illumining scenes as strange and picturesque as ever the eye of mortal gazed upon.

report; but instead I sat on the floor and drank whisky after whisky as I gazed into a black and empty future.

The statues still gazed inland across their clan lands when Europeans first visited the island in.

light of the glittering stars, Have I stood there amazed and asked as I gazed If their beauty exceeds this of ours.

Ben Azzai gazed and died.

Ben Zoma gazed and was harmed.

Every visitor to Paris has gazed at it in mingled admiration and perplexity, and it is a work which, so long.

She was "shattered" to find the hills she lovingly gazed on for years, were the Tidbinbilla Ranges.


look; stare down; stare; outface; stargaze; outstare;


exclude; esteem; disesteem; respect; back;

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