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good continuation Meaning in Bengali


ভাল ধারাবাহিকতা,

good continuation's Usage Examples:

The principle of good continuation provides the visual system a basis for identifying continuing edges.

Law of good continuation.

à la mode received praise as a good continuation of the series, but was also criticized for offering nothing new.

second experiment tested the watercolor effect versus good continuation.

In good continuation, the smooth continuation areas tend to be grouped together.

Good Continuation: the principle of good continuation makes sense of stimuli that overlap: when there.

Black therefore loses his bishop for no compensation—and Black has no good continuation because of the threat of Qxa8 or Qxc8, for example, 1.

The law of continuity (also known as the law of good continuation) states that elements of objects tend to be grouped together, and.

individuals to estimate word frequency; judge binary probabilities of good continuation; identify knowledge implications; and approximate employment distributions.

fifteen potentially fruitful topics on its mind" but fails to find a good continuation from the premise.

Historyguy Book Review said "Stirling’s Scourge of God is a very good continuation of his Change books.

Similar to the Gestalt principle of good continuation (see: principles of grouping), sounds that change smoothly or remain.

Australian website, praised it as an improvement over Second Opinion and a good continuation of the Trauma Center series.

We would like to thank filip and wish him a good continuation for the rest of his career.

completing an object, which is similar to the Gestalt principal of good continuation.


respectable; groovy; redeeming; great; favourable; well-behaved; bang-up; swell; solid; hot; best; corking; acceptable; superb; favorable; satisfactory; quality; good enough; neat; better; not bad; nifty; bully; peachy; obedient; dandy; keen; smashing; slap-up; cracking; goodish; well behaved;


bad; unrespectable; unfavorable; worst; worse; disobedient;

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