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hyperbolise Meaning in Bengali

সীমা বা সত্য পরলোক বড় করার

hyperbolise's Usage Examples:

To hyperbolise and puzzle true facts and change some geography and peoples' names and.

fights or otherwise contests of fishing matches or turkey shoots to hyperbolise and sensationalise political competition, with presidency serving as.

hyperbolise's Meaning':

to enlarge beyond bounds or the truth


embellish; dramatize; shoot a line; overemphasise; hyperbolize; misinform; gas; boast; lard; bluster; swash; mislead; pad; overstress; vaunt; blow; exaggerate; gasconade; embroider; aggrandize; overemphasize; brag; aggrandise; dramatise; tout; overstate; blow up; amplify; magnify; overdraw;


understate; uglify; worsen; undeceive; unleaded gasoline;

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