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iconoclasm Meaning in Bengali

 প্রতিমা ভঙ্গ


মূর্তি পূজার বিরোধিতা, মূর্তিভঙ্গ, চিত্তির,

iconoclasm's Usage Examples:

pontificate, like that of his predecessor, was disturbed by Byzantine iconoclasm and the advance of the Lombards, in which he invoked the intervention.

was exiled by Emperor Leo V the Armenian because of his opposition to iconoclasm, and died on 23 May 826.

The Amorian dynasty continued the policy of restored iconoclasm (the "Second Iconoclasm") started by the previous non-dynastic emperor Leo V in 813.

striking legislative reforms dealt with religious matters, especially iconoclasm ("icon-breaking," therefore an iconoclast is an "icon-breaker").

Nicetas was quite unpopular in Constantinople because he was a supporter of iconoclasm.

regent, she called the Second Council of Nicaea in 787, which condemned iconoclasm as heretical and brought an end to the first iconoclast period (730–787).

The Feast is kept in memory of the final defeat of iconoclasm and the restoration of the icons to the churches.

patriarch of Constantinople in 730, based largely on his support for iconoclasm.

more religious than aesthetic in nature: especially after the end of iconoclasm, they were understood to manifest the unique "presence" of the figure.

(September 24, 787) – There was debate over whether bishops who had accepted iconoclasm when under iconoclast rule could remain in office.

second emperor of the Amorian dynasty and the last emperor to support iconoclasm.


heresy; unorthodoxy; heterodoxy;


unoriginality; conformism; conformity; orthodoxy;

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