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in this manner Meaning in Bengali

 এইভাবে, এইরুপে, এই প্রকারে,

in this manner's Usage Examples:

would have a "division"; an individual operating in this manner would simply be "operating under a fictitious name".

The frying of dough strips in this manner is of Malay/Indonesian origin, possibly with Indian influence, originally.

In the United States, to grill is to cook in this manner quickly, while barbecue is typically a much slower method utilizing.

Vegetables such as runner beans and cabbage are also often preserved in this manner.

Food packaged in this manner is often sold as boil-in-the-bag.

jammers and even radios used for communications can also be targeted in this manner.

avoiding monopolistic competition, or apps for phones that transmit data in this manner, including both those that replace other call methods and those that.

The graphs obtained in this manner are typically fitted to a Zipf–Mandelbrot law, the exponent of which.

common in traditional Greek religion to combine the names of two gods in this manner, the double determination of Hermanubis has some formal parallels in.

The first full-length film made in this manner was Jutalomutazás ("The Prize Trip") (1975) by István Dárday and Györgyi.

such a system suggests that the temple of Ephesus in 350 BC was heated in this manner, although Vitruvius attributes its invention to Sergius Orata in c.

investigation to assist alternative diagnosis is controversial and its use in this manner has been opposed repeatedly by the AMA because of its unproven status.

The digital signals processed in this manner are a sequence of numbers that represent samples of a continuous variable.

gradual hair loss, can result from hairstyles that tightly pull the hair in this manner.

Gauguin encouraged van Gogh to work in the studio in this manner.

16th-century Infant Jesus of Prague statue holds a globus cruciger in this manner.

Under Article 40, a Vice-President who ascends to the presidency in this manner is eligible to run for two full terms in his or her own right if there.

Navy missile to operate in this manner.

Mycelia of the pathogen can survive in this manner and germinate in favorable conditions.


humourous; facetious; humorous; bantering;


humorless; displeasing; humourless; po-faced; unfunny;

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