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inconveniently Meaning in Bengali

inconveniently's Usage Examples:

is still used in atomic physics and chemistry because SI units are inconveniently large.

By mixing pure hydrazine with UDMH, hydrazine's inconveniently high freezing point of 2 °C is lowered through freezing-point depression.

The station was inconveniently situated for travel to central London, with the necessity to complete.

frequencies in place of a quarter wavelength whip antenna, which is inconveniently long and cumbersome at these frequencies.

However, it is inconveniently obscured by our own Milky Way's galactic plane, lying behind the Zone.

The railway station was fairly inconveniently situated 1.

The station was inconveniently sited and served by few passenger trains, and other more frequently.

The buses heading to the West Island were inconveniently located at the Edouard-Laurin street entrance.

But the canal - shallow, long, inconveniently located, and frozen for the greater part of the year - proved uncompetitive.

General Assembly divided Crawford County into three counties, due to its inconveniently large size, and the central portion was named "Jasper County".

Although Cromer High had far better facilities, it was inconveniently situated on the edge of the town.

instrument for drawing arcs of large diameter circles whose centres are inconveniently or inaccessibly located, one version of which was invented by Scottish.

The station sat inconveniently between the settlements of Bridgerule in Devon and Whitstone in Cornwall.

over the possible secularization of the Archbishopric of Salzburg, inconveniently wedged between Bavaria and Austria.

cathedral, as it was overshadowed by the "state church" of San Marco, and inconveniently located.

he should inquire at Nagasaki, on the southern island of Kyūshū, and inconveniently far from Russian holdings, if he wished to trade.

They chose such a ratio because the cgs unit of voltage is inconveniently small and one volt in this definition is approximately the emf of a.

root cumber, most appropriately defined: "To occupy obstructively or inconveniently; to block fill up with what hinders freedom of motion or action; to.

the Port of Salto to take the place of the old terminus, which was inconveniently situated about 2 km (1 mi) inland.

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