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lateral rectus Meaning in Bengali


ঘুরপথে সমাধানের স্ট্রেইট,

lateral rectus's Usage Examples:

The lateral rectus muscle is a muscle on the lateral side of the eyeball in the orbit.

abducens nerve), which is responsible for causing contraction of the lateral rectus muscle to abduct (i.

cranial nerve (CNVI), in humans, that controls the movement of the lateral rectus muscle, responsible for outward gaze.

orbital walls and fibrosis of the lateral rectus has been confirmed by biopsy.

This fibrosis can result in the lateral rectus being 'tight' and acting as a.

It accompanies the lacrimal nerve along the upper border of the lateral rectus and supplies the lacrimal gland.

underneath the lateral rectus muscle, the inferior oblique inserts onto the scleral surface between the inferior rectus and lateral rectus.

This is done either directly or indirectly, as in the lateral rectus muscle, via the lacrimal artery, a main branch of the ophthalmic artery.

the insertion of the muscle lying between the superior rectus and lateral rectus.

rectus and the lateral rectus in the case of an eye looking to one side of the midline.

When looking outward or laterally, the lateral rectus of one eye must.

entirely by the medial and lateral rectus muscles; the medial rectus muscle is responsible for adduction, the lateral rectus muscle for abduction.

The former directly drive the contraction of the ipsilateral lateral rectus muscle via the abducens nerve (sixth cranial nerve); contraction of.

as the OA enters the orbit and runs along the superior edge of the lateral rectus muscle to supply the lacrimal gland, eyelids and conjunctiva.

lateral wall with the lacrimal artery, above the upper margin of the lateral rectus.

vibration, and stereognosis) Abducens nerve Strabismus (ipsilateral lateral rectus muscle paralysis - the affected eye looks down and towards the nose).

inferior and medial, are supplied by two ciliary arteries each, while the lateral rectus only receives one branch.

The nasociliary nerve enters the orbit between the two heads of the lateral rectus muscle and between the superior and inferior rami of the oculomotor.


abducens muscle; eye muscle; ocular muscle; rectus lateralis; lateral rectus muscle;


mesial; birth;

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