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lateral thinking Meaning in Bengali

 ঘুরপথে সমাধানের চিন্তা,


ঘুরপথে সমাধানের চিন্তা,

lateral thinking's Usage Examples:

Situation puzzles are often referred to as minute mysteries, lateral thinking puzzles or "yes/no" puzzles.

He originated the term lateral thinking, wrote the book Six Thinking Hats and is a proponent of the teaching.

is an online game from Google which invites the player to solve a lateral thinking puzzle by using Google to find the answer.

It could be said that it is the opposite of lateral thinking.

Unlike lateral thinking that involves using added intuition, risk taking, and.

clients to solve the "nine dots" puzzle, whose solution requires some lateral thinking.

artists (particularly musicians) break creative blocks by encouraging lateral thinking.

unconventional ways with given constraints in mind; sometimes it also involves lateral thinking.

Lateral computing is a lateral thinking approach to solving computing problems.

The term po was created by Edward de Bono as part of a lateral thinking technique to suggest forward movement, that is, making a statement.

general parallel thinking is a further development of the well known lateral thinking processes, focusing even more on explorations—looking for what can.

disorder or the hallmark of one; it is sometimes used as a synonym for lateral thinking.

MindTrap is a series of lateral thinking puzzle games played by two individuals or teams.

Sloane and Des MacHale's Intriguing Tales) is based on the concept of lateral thinking puzzles, books authored by Paul Sloane and Des MacHale.

aspect of the competition, where the students are judged on their lateral thinking processes and their ability to communicate effectively and work together.

an author and speaker on several subjects, including George Boole, lateral thinking puzzles, and humour.

Po (food), dried meat and fish in Korean cuisine Po (lateral thinking), part of a lateral thinking technique created by Edward de Bono Po (panda), son.


heuristic rule; heuristic; heuristic program;



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