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lengthily Meaning in Bengali

lengthily's Usage Examples:

On 30 June, he wrote: "I have written to you so many times and so lengthily concerning the state of your land, and I have cried so much that my voice.

accomplishments of Vann Molyvann who was still alive and who they had interviewed lengthily.

Prior to his season in the NHL, Duggan had a lengthily career in the Ottawa City Hockey League.

As first aid rinse lengthily, administer small amount of milk, do not induce vomiting.

After a lengthily pause he resumed wrestling in New Zealand.

lack of inventiveness that the mummy's first appearance should be so lengthily delayed.

" Valjean's arrival in Digne is lengthily depicted, we even see him going into the townhall to have his passport.

The cancellation has been lengthily planned by the network partly due to the continuing revamps under Armie.

died on April 16, 1989, at his home in Brookline, Massachusetts, after a lengthily illness.

The holes are drilled quite lengthily into the material but not so far as to create a tunnel to the other side.

Tepals elliptico-lanceolate, lengthily tapered at base, more briefly at the apex, 2–3 cm long, 3–6 mm wide.

scattered customs praised bran -tı/-ti arıtı uzatı tüketi completely, clean lengthily completely -du eğdu umdul süktü curved knife desire, covetousness campaigning.

he had made a long discourse about the Lord", G67 has: "But Paul spoke lengthily in the discourse concerning the Lord Jesus.

Norm's advice to unknowing customers on how to more easily order the lengthily-named beer: "Well, y'doesn't hasta call it Anheuser Busch Natural Light.

followed by a gold medal in 1858, and another in 1861 for his rather lengthily titled painting "Иоанн III свергает татарское иго, разорвав изображение.

Another editor, James Hamilton described it as a "Kraftwerk-ishly pulsed lengthily pausing 134.

contested delta smelt case, Judge Wanger drew national attention when he lengthily ridiculed a testifying government scientist for being a "zealot".

following dictum by Leo Tolstoy: Karamzin wrote for the tsar, Solovyov wrote lengthily and tediously, and Klyuchevsky wrote for his own pleasure.

"tenor of political tract" because it discusses the author's ideals "too lengthily" throughout.

In 1657 DuVerger published the lengthily titled "Humble Reflections Upon some Passages of the right Honorable the.


at length;

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