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move back and forth Meaning in Bengali


আগে পিছে সরানো,

move back and forth's Usage Examples:

usually by a rook and a bishop, often forcing the opposing king to move back and forth between two squares, can win massive amounts of material.

Republic of the Congo, that started in the 1980s, where the hips move back and forth while the hands move to follow the hips.

cells, chromosomes do not line up at the metaphase plate and instead move back and forth between the poles randomly, only roughly lining up along the middleline.

the hair cells that is stretchy which allows the stereocilia to move back and forth.

set it up for me), the feeling-changes of the stereo effect as you move back and forth[-]are dazzling.

the main text, but may cause inconvenience to readers who have to move back and forth between the main text and the endnotes.

three short, thin metal bars, crosscut with diagonal teeth, which move back and forth in slots in a sewing machine's needle plate.

However, some residents still move back and forth, residing on the islands in summer and in the mainland community.

Bedford, Massachusetts and Providence, Rhode Island, and they would move back and forth between the two cities throughout their childhood.

soukous gave birth to the kwassa kwassa dance rhythm where the hips move back and forth while the hands move to follow the hips.

species (for example, a solute molecule): Allow the species to freely move back and forth between the two regions (for example, connect them with a semi-permeable.

her brief death has turned her into a Greywalker, a human able to move back and forth at will through the Grey, the realm that exists between our world.

victims are trafficked within the country, but a smaller number move back and forth from Cameroon, Chad, Nigeria, Republic of the Congo, Democratic Republic.

As the shuttles move back and forth, each along its channel, all points on the rod move in elliptical.

He invented a track for the camera to move back and forth over historic photos and paintings.

The bridge was built to allow cows to move back and forth to the island for grazing.

similar to a ball joint, called a tie rod end, allowing the linkage to move back and forth freely so that the steering effort will not interfere with the vehicles.

Science (adhyatmavidya), some of whom were still monastics and could move back and forth from university (vidyalaya) to "site" (patha), and many of whom had.

graphite) is placed between the magnets, it will remain in place and move back and forth in harmonic motion when disturbed.

This movement causes the needles to move back and forth against the work surface.


hasten; drag; tramp; uprise; do; get around; roam; go down; shuttle; wheel; pan; travel along; pelt along; pace; automobile; take the air; ascend; transfer; plough; creep; meander; ferry; speed; go around; whisk; float; progress; travel by; motor; swim; thread; get about; run; retrograde; go up; lift; come up; drift; rush; be adrift; come down; pass over; belt along; spurt; trail; zoom; journey; march on; go past; career; snowshoe; lurch; taxi; trundle; push; ride; hurtle; lance; drive; swan; bucket along; pass; glide; slither; prance; step; range; go forward; sit; rove; slice into; travel rapidly; descend; advance; retire; recede; billow; angle; hie; stray; pass on; wend; travel purposefully; circle; race; resort; steam; plow; walk; whine; go on; draw; fly; overfly; continue; follow; caravan; island hop; cast; outflank; whoosh; step on it; sift; crank; move around; crawl; arise; pull away; zigzag; displace; tread; jump; swash; accompany; cruise; pursue; whistle; slide; shack; locomote; bang; vagabond; propagate; pull back; move back; err; zip; spread; turn; round; seek; change; pass by; forge; circulate; whish; withdraw; cannonball along; hotfoot; wind; swap; return; weave; travel; hiss; breeze; flock; precess; swing; come; hurry; go; betake oneself; circuit; fall; raft; ramble; tram; rise; bounce; wander; repair; lead; move up; beetle; play; roll; steamer; move on; go by; ease; spirt; carry; derail; ghost; draw back; blow; go through; scramble; surpass; back; wing; retreat; go across; slice through; precede; rush along; proceed; jounce; ski;


rise; recede; ascend; ride; linger; stay in place; precede; descend; go; advance; fall; follow;

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