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nonevent Meaning in Bengali

nonevent's Usage Examples:

it was a nonevent that seemed more like a slightly steeper-than-normal approach with a gentle.

decision not to bomb Auschwitz, several scholars believe "this notorious nonevent tends to become the central symbol of the Allies' response to the Holocaust.

On January 2, 2000, with Y2K essentially a nonevent, pastor Rev.

his discussion with his peers following his television disclosure was "a nonevent" and called the policy banning service by homosexuals "Government-sanctioned.

that the pairing of Linkin Park and Jay-Z "comes off like a sanitized nonevent.

in the probability of a Trump win, almost treating the election as a "nonevent.

the steps and ideas behind Schlossberg's theory: Transitions Events or nonevents resulting in changed relationships, routines, assumptions, or even roles.

"consider it as the expression of a great sexual misery, or even as a nonevent".

introvenient, invent, inventio, invention, inventive, inventory, nonconventional, nonevent, nonintervention, obvention, parvenu, prevene, prevent, prevention, preventive.

Kersten has called Randolph's March on Washington "the most significant nonevent in American history.



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