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oppositional Meaning in Bengali

oppositional's Usage Examples:

"The Oppositional Gaze: Black Female Spectatorship", bell hooks counters Laura Mulvey's notion of the (male) gaze by introducing the oppositional gaze.

and behavior, in which aptitude and ability for critical thought and oppositional behavior wither away.

Homegirls: Developing an Oppositional Gaze toward the Images of Black Women", Catherine West concludes that by claiming an oppositional gaze we can identify.

1981 when the more reform-minded Prime Minister Mohammed Mzali allowed oppositional parties to run candidates' lists in elections and announced to officially.

intersectional[citation needed] form of sexism, based on the interaction between oppositional and traditional sexism.

late July 2011 to April 2012, and was associated with the rise of armed oppositional militias across Syria and the beginning of armed rebellion against the.

diagnosis of oppositional defiant disorder.

Moreover, both disorders share relevant risk factors and disruptive behaviors, suggesting that oppositional defiant.

Representation, in the chapter "The Oppositional Gaze: Black Female Spectators", hooks discusses what she calls an "oppositional gaze".

media has been used in conversation and the blogosphere, sometimes in oppositional, pejorative or dismissive senses, in discussion of the mass media and.

oppositional position.

In this case ‘oppositional reading of oppositional text' needs explanation that it equals to the "agreement with oppositional text".

There are two types of paratonia: oppositional and facilitatory.

broached in the form of a question, oppositional responses are given, a counterproposal is argued and oppositional arguments rebutted.

Despite their oppositional nature, cult films can produce celebrities.

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