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placate Meaning in Bengali

 শান্ত করা


শান্ত করা,

placate শব্দের বাংলা অর্থ এর উদাহরণ:

মনকে শান্ত করা ৪ ।

ধরার সময় বিপজ্জনক ভালুকগুলিকে শান্ত করা হয় এবং ঘাড়ে একটি উজ্জ্বল রং দিয়ে চিহ্নিত করা হয় ।

তাঁর বহু অলৌকিক ঘটনা যেমন পানির উপর হাঁটাচলা, ঝড়কে শান্ত করা, শিষ্যদের এবং মাছের আশ্চর্যজনকভাবে ধরা, এবং পাঁচ হাজার লোককে ( তাবঘায় ।

এপ্রিল ১৯১৯ নাগাদ, আমানুল্লাহ বুঝতে পারেন যে রক্ষনশীলদের শান্ত করা না গেলে তিনি ক্ষমতায় টিকতে পারবেন না ।

মুক্তিপণ দেওয়া হয় এবং এই অঞ্চল বল প্রয়োগের চেয়ে কূটনীতির মাধ্যমে বেশি শান্ত করা হয় ।

এর মূল লক্ষ্য হলো মনকে শান্ত করা এবং একাগ্রতা স্থাপন করা ।

চালচলন, জাঁকজমক ঠাণ্ডা কথা মিষ্টিমিষ্টি কথা ঠাণ্ডা করা/হওয়া জুড়ানো, শান্ত করা ঠাণ্ডা লড়াই চাপা রেষারেষি; মনস্তাত্ত্বিক যুদ্ধ ঠাণ্ডা লাগা শৈতাক্রান্ত ।

placate's Usage Examples:

buildings of the Columbia campus, Broadway Hall's design was changed to placate neighbors who wished to see it blend with local apartment buildings.

To placate him, peasants would offer him roosters and bliny.

"hash-browns", claiming that it was a gesture of goodwill intended to placate conservatives who were offended by their previous attacks.

Acacian schism, started in 484 by Acacius of Constantinople's efforts to placate the Monophysites.

To placate the aggrieved two counselors, Suhungmung created two additional frontier.

administration's seabed and foreshore compromise legislation which was designed to placate National's alternative coalition partner, the Māori Party; restoration.

In the introduction, Card makes comments to placate anyone who takes offense too deeply by claiming that Ambrose Bierce appeared.

Alternatively it can be money paid to placate a disgruntled adversary who may disclose embarrassing information, even.

He endeavours to placate the tribes by appointing governors from among their own leading men.

In spite of Cosgrove's refusal to placate the Labor Party's left wing, and criticism from Bill Morrow of the Launceston.

continent, and not the other way around, colonial concessions would never placate the German Empire, as British politicians came to realise at the time.

The Twins quickly re-signed with FSN North to placate viewers inconvenienced by the change, and were able to obtain a significant.

With great diplomatic cunning, the treaties enabled France to placate and divide its enemies of the First Coalition, one by one.

Middle East from the survivors of the Layforce Commando unit partly to placate Winston Churchill who championed the commando idea.

family due to Bhatiyani's death and a shrine was devoted to her in Jasol to placate her spirit; after which she is said to have transformed into a benevolent.

the punti clans, but to prevent future resistance made concessions to placate the indigenous inhabitants.

established urban culture and greater financial resources, which allowed it to placate invaders with tribute and pay foreign mercenaries.

" Such a reception, the circumstances of the case, Athenian need to placate Alexander, the urgency to account for the missing funds, Demosthenes' patriotism.

He tried to placate the barons of Morea, but was forced to accept a parliament in 1304.


assuage; tranquilize; gentle; lenify; appease; still; quieten; pacify; gruntle; tranquillise; lull; calm; mollify; calm down; conciliate; tranquillize; quiet;


audible; discomposure; louden; worry; agitate;

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