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procrastinators Meaning in Bengali

procrastinators's Usage Examples:

2004 showed that 70% of university students categorized themselves as procrastinators while a 1984 study showed that 50% of the students would procrastinate.

"The best productivity system for procrastinators is to work with your natural tendencies".

However, habitual procrastinators may come to view the grace period as the actual deadline, and if, due.

In Terry Pratchett's Discworld series, the "procrastinators" used by the History Monks are considered to be a type of Tipler cylinder.

Some Loyalists, according to Labaree, were "procrastinators" who believed that independence was bound to come some day, but wanted.

"Black Friday returns today for procrastinators".

motivation and poor compliance levels, and as being indecisive and procrastinators, which may frequently lead to premature termination (i.

defended himself as not having "a lot of patience for fence-sitters and procrastinators", and he believed this was shown to be the case by the significant.

first type is chronic procrastinators whom exhibit a combination of qualities from the other, more specialized types of procrastinators.

and incentives: The struggle between the present and the future in procrastinators and the punctual".


cunctator; postponer; delayer;

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