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procreate Meaning in Bengali

 উৎপাদন হওয়া


জন্ম দেত্তয়া, জন্মদান দেত্তয়া, সন্তান উত্পাদন করা, জন্মদান করা,

procreate's Usage Examples:

are relatively common in houses, they seek out moist areas to rest and procreate.

creates bio-robots which develop the ability to decide for themselves and procreate.

", and is thus fully part of the procreation sonnets, even though it does not contain an encouragement to procreate.

The verb "to father" means to procreate or to sire a child from which also derives the noun "fathering".

1 (2000) procreate Painter 7 (2001) procreate Painter Classic (2002) Corel Painter 8 (2003) Corel Painter.

inmates have the right to exercise their ability to procreate while still in prison.

The right to procreate while incarcerated and the right to be free from.

The verb "to mother" means to procreate or to sire a child from which also derives the noun "mothering".

Scandinavian legend describing the god Ríg lying with three couples to procreate and give birth to the three social classes: thralls, karls (or bændr).

"Separate Heavenly Deities") were lone deities without gender and did not procreate.

of his dead ancestors, who are doomed to fall to hell if he does not procreate.

effort to help cancer patients retain their fertility, or ability to procreate.

Advocates for reproductive cloning believe that parents who cannot otherwise procreate should have access to technology.

brothers that it would be better to engage in sexual intercourse and procreate the human species.

satyr is hypnotising and abducting women in Adam's local town in order to procreate with them.


hatch; cover; incubate; propagate; brood; set; fructify; make; reproduce; create; multiply; breed;


refrain; disassemble; decrease; divide; antitype;

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