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proffers Meaning in Bengali


উপস্থাপন করা বা পেশ করা,

proffers's Usage Examples:

Konkin proffers various arguments of how a free society would function as well as examples.

"Johnny Lever proffers Sudhanshu Kumar an award for excellence, see photo".

20 March) Paul-Henri Spaak (from 20 March) 13 March – Camille Huysmans proffers his resignation as prime minister.

11 February – Pierre Harmel proffers his resignation as prime minister due to internal policy divisions in his.

October); Paul Vanden Boeynants (from 20 October) 11 October – Leo Tindemans proffers his resignation as Prime Minister after the failure of the Egmont pact.

Characteristically notorious for correlative verse is Old Norse poetry, which proffers such cryptic examples as Þórðr Særeksson's: Varð sjálf sonar— Became herself.

When arriving the novice typically proffers an introductory letter and then must wait for acceptance for a period of.

congestion in the development's immediate vicinity, Pulte released a list of proffers as agreed to with Fairfax County.

whom he would play the piano; the Woman Who Nobody Called On, whom he proffers to be a second-best mother.

:861 16 June – Prime Minister proffers his resignation over the issue of the Royal Question.

1 (1923), proffers dialectical German Knollen or Knöllen, meaning "ball", as a possible origin.

Bhattacharya, while discussing ancient Bengali literature, proffers that Lawapa composed the Kambalagītika (Wylie: la ba pa'i glu "Lawapa's.

After investigations, the narrator proffers his own theory on the heredity of taste – the woman and Kō-san find each.

The uncertain theory about Ural-Altaic proffers that there is a genetic relationship with this proto-language as seen in.

the graduand is called by name and kneels before the vice-chancellor and proffers their hands to the vice-chancellor, who clasps them and then confers the.

George Black's article in the Dictionary of National Biography, 1900, proffers a little more detail on this figure's life and works− .

She has forgotten what she came in to buy: Charlie proffers a series of items including a razor.


tender; offer; give;


disengage; diverge; stifle; take;

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