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proficiencies Meaning in Bengali

 দক্ষতা, কুশলতা, বু্যত্পত্তি,

proficiencies শব্দের বাংলা অর্থ এর উদাহরণ:

মাইকেলের পর্যবেক্ষণ শক্তি, সমাজবাস্তবতাবোধ ও কাহিনী, চরিত্র ও সংলাপ রচনায় কুশলতা বিশেষ প্রশংসা লাভ করে ।

তিনি সিডনীতে অনুষ্ঠিত ৮ম বিশ্বকাপ হকি প্রতিযোগিতায় তার বিখ্যাত কুশলতা প্রদর্শন করেন অস্ট্রেলিয়া দলের বিপক্ষে ।

অভিনয়, গ্ল্যামার, স্কিন পার্সোনালিটি, নৃত্য কুশলতা সবকিছুতেই তিনি পারদর্শিতা দেখিয়েছিলেন ।

কিংবা দলগত বিষয়ে সংশ্লিষ্ট ব্যক্তি, দল কিংবা দেশ কর্তৃক সবচেয়ে সেরা দক্ষতা, কুশলতা নির্দিষ্ট মানদণ্ড তথা শারীরিক সক্ষমতা ও বিচার-বুদ্ধির ভিত্তিতে প্রদর্শনের ।

প্রাতিষ্ঠানিক কিংবা দলগতভাবে বিশেষ বিশেষ পর্যায়ে অনন্য সাধারণ অবদান, কুশলতা, দক্ষতা, নৈপুণ্যকে স্বীকৃতি বা মূল্যায়নের লক্ষ্যে যে পদক্ষেপ নেয়া হয় কিংবা ।

proficiencies's Usage Examples:

Survival Guide includes new proficiencies, as well as ideas for the creation of underground adventures.

Characters gain proficiencies by way of "non-weapon.

critical overarching training capability for developing and maintaining proficiencies required to fight a complex modern shipboard combat system in today's.

scores obtained from educational assessments to infer the abilities and proficiencies of students.

Garga and Varāhamihira, have in their respective works referred to the proficiencies of the Greeks in the field of Astronomy.

It requires proficiencies throughout the Intermediate range as described in the American Council.

"Proficiencies": The fifth chapter has rules on new and expanded proficiencies, with an eye towards their use by dwarves.

and 2nd editions, these were broken down into "weapon proficiencies" and "non-weapon proficiencies".

Skills – technical or manual proficiencies which are usually learned or acquired through training.

exceedingly reserved on this album, there is little doubt of his technical proficiencies.

covers proficiencies, comparing the standard "slot" system to the character point rules introduced by Skills ' Powers, lists a range of new proficiencies for.

those of Amphibious Ready Groups for deployment and maintaining staff proficiencies to provide fleet commanders with a highly flexible, ready fly-away unit.

skill-based player character creation system and employs character proficiencies similar to those in the 2nd edition of AD'D by David "Zeb" Cook.

supplement to include rules for non-weapon proficiencies.

Every character is expected to possess proficiencies in the noncombat arts with skills such as.

organization that works across the state to encourage and strengthen the proficiencies of writers in both the creative and business aspects of the writing.

organizations to discover and grow employee's skills by identifying their proficiencies and deficiencies and enabling their efficient redeployment, up-skilling.

The book also details new equipment and skills, called proficiencies, pertaining to the wilderness.

Specialisations are often larger subjects than proficiencies, and so are split into three levels;.

divided between Armature Studio and Comcept into their own distinctive proficiencies, while Asobo Studio assisted.

new manufacturing economy integrates networks, 3D printers and other proficiencies into business strategies to further develop manufacturing practices.


competency; competence;


disfluency; incoordination; incompetence;

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