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proffering Meaning in Bengali


উপস্থাপন করা বা পেশ করা,

proffering's Usage Examples:

Varshavsky provided an original approach to killing cancer cells, proffering the idea of a targeted molecular device that could enter a cell, examine.

in 1961 as an Independent, proffering a fiscally conservative, law and order platform.

development and management resulting from urban planning policies, while proffering solutions in the form of more effective urban policy implementations.

"the voices of two lovers, praising each other, yearning for each other, proffering invitations to enjoy".

For evidence to be admissible enough to be admitted, the party proffering the evidence must be able to show that the source of the evidence makes.

Many have become 'general markets' proffering a range of goods.

Philip Nitschke, has been on the road proffering his latest invention, a do-it-yourself kit to test the quality and potency.

This traditionally operates in order to proffering money to fulfil obligations within a contract.

gastro-porn heightens the excitement and also the sense of the unattainable by proffering colored photographs of various completed recipes".

book describes numerous intertwined threads, variously implicating (or proffering as diversions to put the protagonist off the trail) the Jewish/Italian-American.

The last prior, Prior Finch, wrote at least twice to Thomas Cromwell proffering his service and that of his house, and desiring Cromwell's favour.

A party proffering certain evidence can also ask for the admission of certain information.

It was while en route back to Silla that an embassy from Silla was met proffering apologies to Tang and seeking forgiveness.

The inventor, proffering apologies, ushers the gentleman client to the seat, but he fares even.

Thus, even if the trial court were to exclude the proffering party's preferred evidence, that party would still have equally probative.

The Chicago Reader wrote that the album "finds this whacked foursome proffering more cartoonish, progged-out approximations of the infinitely superior.

esteem for their religion, even quoting the Dhammapada, he fell short of proffering a full apology, and this did not satisfy the Sangha elders.

cooperation with God's will - including praying for all other people, even proffering one's merits to God for others' sake.


tender; offer; give;


disengage; diverge; stifle; take;

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