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rebuffed Meaning in Bengali

 প্রত্যাখ্যান করা, প্রতিহত করা, পরাস্ত করা, ধমক দেত্তয়া, প্রতিরোধ করা,

rebuffed শব্দের বাংলা অর্থ এর উদাহরণ:

জাতীয়তাবাদের উন্মেষ ঘটে, তবে ফ্রান্সের থেকে বিচ্ছিন্ন হবার প্রচেষ্টা প্রতিহত করা হয় ।

অংশের খেলোয়াড়, যার প্রাথমিক ভূমিকা হচ্ছে খেলার সময় বিপক্ষ দলের আক্রমণ প্রতিহত করা করা এবং প্রতিপক্ষ দলকে গোল করা বিরত রাখা ।

তাদের ওপর দায়িত্ব ছিল পাকিস্তান সেনাবাহিনীর জন্য আসা সাহায্য প্রতিহত করা

কিন্তু এই আক্রমণ প্রতিহত করা হয় ।

ঘটনা তখনকার, যখন শয়তানদেরকে আকাশের খবর শোনা থেকে উল্কাপিণ্ডের মাধ্যমে প্রতিহত করা হয়েছিল ।

হুমকি, সমকালীন আত্মরক্ষামূলক এবং ক্ষতিসাধক ক্রিয়া এবং প্রচণ্ড আক্রমণ প্রতিহত করা

থেকে বঞ্চিত করবে, সেধরনের মুক্ত ইচ্ছাকে প্রতিহত করা উচিত ।

তখন মুক্তিযোদ্ধাদের পক্ষে তাদের প্রতিহত করা সম্ভব হয়নি ।

শান্তির সময় ভারতের আন্তর্জাতিক সীমান্ত পাহারা দেওয়া ও আন্তর্দেশীয় অপরাধ প্রতিহত করা

rebuffed's Usage Examples:

Social Democratic and Labour Party John Hume proposing discussions, but was rebuffed.

Party of Quebec) was formed in 1982 with Denis Carignan as leader but was rebuffed by federal Progressive Conservative leader Joe Clark who told them to keep.

He proposed marriage, but was rebuffed with an adamant "no, nay, never" ("nooit, neen, nimmer").

Meanwhile, off Gibraltar, the outnumbered French squadron under Linois rebuffed a first British attack under Saumarez in the first battle of Algeciras.

peak with low absolute elevation, due to difficult ridge terrain, and it rebuffed eight climbing attempts by experienced Alaskan mountaineers before its.

In 2010, he rebuffed an attempt by D Magazine to get a comment on his purchase of the Rangers.

At the end, the notion that more rights should be granted is rebuffed by the speaker.

foundations for the First French Republic, launched the next year, having rebuffed attacks from the south and south-east but having made an unsuccessful counter.

All three recount the tale where a rebuffed Sir Aldingar slanders his mistress, Queen Eleanor, and a miraculous champion.

The federal Progressive Conservative Party rebuffed the initiative to "unite the right" in the late fall of 1998 when it elected.

repeatedly offered to mentor his alma mater in the formation, but was rebuffed because the Elis would "not [take] football lessons from a Western university.

attempts to gain Soviet support for his Zimbabwe African National Union were rebuffed, leading him to enter into relations with Soviet rival Beijing.

Minister Asadollah Alam to hold the elections free, but the request was rebuffed.

windward side of the island against a military survey expedition in 1769, and rebuffed repeated demands that they sell their land to representatives of the British.

Ottoman's from establishing their proper defensive positions, but were rudely rebuffed by Durmish Khan Shamlu.

his only attempt to actually assert Dutch control over the territory was rebuffed at Fort Pentagouet by three war ships from Boston.

Hampshire, Vermont and Massachusetts militia under General John Stark rebuffed a British attempt led by Colonel Friedrich Baum to capture American stores.

In August 2014, the company rebuffed three offers by its rival in the United Kingdom, Carillion, for the two.

They were boycotted by the eight opposition parties, who been rebuffed in their insistence that talks following the controversial presidential.

Angered when they rebuffed his recommendation to draft future Hall of Famer Derek Jeter in favor of.


scorn; freeze off; disdain; spurn; reject; repel; snub; turn down; pooh-pooh;


admire; love; approve; believe; approbate;

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