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reproaches Meaning in Bengali

 ভর্ত্সনা, নিন্দা, কলঙ্ক, গঁজনা, মানহানি, অখ্যাতি, কলঙ্কর বিষয়, উপালম্ভ, গর্হণ, পরিবাদ, গাল, অধিক্ষেপ, ফইজত, অনুযোগ,


ফইজত, অধিক্ষেপ, গাল, পরিবাদ, গর্হণ, উপালম্ভ, কলঙ্কর বিষয়, অখ্যাতি, মানহানি, গঁজনা, কলঙ্ক, নিন্দা, ভর্ত্সনা,


গঁজনা দেত্তয়া, ভর্ত্সনা করা,

reproaches's Usage Examples:

Aeneas immediately feels remorse for having killed the boy, and reproaches Lausus' men for keeping a distance rather than caring for the body: "Then.

The West Asian variant occurs in the story of Ahikar, where the sage reproaches his adopted nephew for treacherously returning evil for good: 'Thou hast.

example is the 38-couplet qasīda by al-Mutanabbi (915-965): “The poet reproaches Sayf al-Dawla” (king of Aleppo), from which comes the verse: إذا رَأيْـتَ.

Jehovah then reproaches Moses and Aaron for their lack of trust in him and tells them that for.

In the song, Catarì's lover reproaches the girl for thoughtlessly and heartlessly rejecting his abiding love.

Micah reproaches unjust leaders, defends the rights of the poor against the rich and powerful;.

elevates æsthetics to a living religion, that the dandy's mere existence reproaches the responsible citizen of the middle class: "Dandyism in certain respects.

He is astonished when Ursula enters and, dubious of her avowals, reproaches her for lending herself to the scheme.

numbered 168 in the Perry Index, a farmer witnesses a shipwreck and reproaches the sea for being “an enemy of mankind”.

For the zeal of thine house hath eaten me up; and the reproaches of them that reproached thee are fallen upon me.

A sheep reproaches a crow that has perched on its back: 'If you had treated a dog in this.

fate of Ád, Thamúd, and Pharaoh 14-17 Man praises God in prosperity, but reproaches him in adversity 18-22 Oppression of the poor and the orphan denounced.

He often reproaches the Rabbinites for preaching and teaching for the sake of gain, asserting.

He now considers himself the officer Korul Wanen again, and reproaches his leaders for having sent him to the planet, because he could have died.

When the animal emerges, it reproaches the man for his double-dealing.

He is inside, and the doctor's voice reproaches him for his silliness.

Filippovna maintains, somewhat less assuredly, her sarcastic tone, and Myshkin reproaches her with feeling: "Aren't you ashamed? Surely you are not what you are.

He is reproached (or rather reproaches himself) for injustice, luxury, power lust, greed and violence.


self-reproach; reproval; rap; blame; rebuke; reprehension; self-reproof; reprimand; reproof;


humanize; honor; absolve; blessed; praise;

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