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reproachful Meaning in Bengali

 কলঙ্কর, ভর্ত্সনাপূর্ণ, নিন্দপূর্ণ, ভর্ত্সনাকর, নিন্দাকর, তিরস্কারসূচক, সানুযোগ,


নিন্দাকর, ভর্ত্সনাকর, নিন্দপূর্ণ, ভর্ত্সনাপূর্ণ, কলঙ্কর,

reproachful's Usage Examples:

English invectif, or Old French and Late Latin invectus) is abusive, reproachful, or venomous language used to express blame or censure; or, a form of.

If the soul undertakes this struggle it then becomes nafs-al-lawwama (reproachful soul): This is the stage where "the conscience is awakened and the self.

bond of children, and of all adopted sons, and to Loki speak not in reproachful words, in Ægir's hall.

Ovid includes an imagined reproachful letter from Oenone to Paris in his collection Heroides, a text that has.

Jorge Anselmo quickly befriends the family butler, but Eugenia turns reproachful, saying it is unacceptable that "a disgusting boy" is allowed to live.

Where, then does the author of this chapter stand on these difficult and reproachful questions? I do not quite know—and I am neither contented nor arrogant.

That the play was not a popular success is indicated by Jonson's reproachful preface to the published edition.

flesh of his belly, until the Dead Father wakes and fixes the Son with a reproachful stare.

Ned, after a few days' consideration, replies: he is slightly reproachful and does not volunteer to return to Stickleford; agreeing to marry her.

for that reason sentenced to be thrown down the Tarpeian rock, in a reproachful way recounted how they had lived long together under the same roof, himself.

We say this not in a reproachful spirit, but in a somewhat sad conviction of mind, that we who live on.

The abrupt change of tone from being previously harmonious to bitterly reproachful in 2 Corinthians 10–13 has led many to infer that chapters 10–13 form.

since it is not in their power to make me incur anything that is truly reproachful? or angry, and ill affected towards him, who by nature is so near unto.

He could not see the dead, reproachful eyes, The youthful face which Death had not defiled But had transfigured.

She is parting ways with her partner, Bill, under the reproachful gaze of their daughter Abby.

to call the charmer who would not listen to their entreaties by this reproachful name.

her wedding turned into a formal social event where she endures the reproachful lectures of high-ranking relatives she had sought to avoid.

while the memorandum was being circulated, "which brought a polite if reproachful call from one listener, who was assured by the station the song’s broadcast.

He described this attack as "disgusting and reproachful", adding "That kind of personal attack by design has no part in a democracy.


admonitory; admonishing; reproving; unfavourable; unfavorable;


uncritical; complimentary; affirmative; amicable; favorable;

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