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revisiting Meaning in Bengali

 পুনরায় সাক্ষাৎ করা,


পুনরায় সাক্ষাৎ করা,

revisiting's Usage Examples:

In 1970 Eugenio Coșeriu, revisiting De Saussure's synchrony and diachrony distinction in the description of.

several stories about the ghosts of former Presidents of the United States revisiting the White House, with perhaps the most common and popular one being that.

It features Nelson revisiting some of his classic songs from the sixties with his band the Offenders.

Ballad of Black Tom is a 2016 fantasy/horror novella by Victor LaValle, revisiting H.

the first time Rolfe and Walker had appeared at a convention together, revisiting an online rivalry which saw a boom in popularity for the latter.

They initially had no intention of revisiting the album - something they considered to be "a gringo fashion" - but since.

So by calling ourselves Heaven ' Hell, it's revisiting that period.

end of a long life, he wrote: "It has always been a great joy to me, revisiting Ann Arbor, to hear the song still sung in fraternity houses, and on the.




volley; ground stroke;

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