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revoltingly Meaning in Bengali

revoltingly's Usage Examples:

Myra Breckinridge (1968): "More than ever was Buck, revoltingly, the Singin' Shootin' Cowboy, so inferior in every way to Hoot Gibson.

RPGFan called it "so revoltingly addictive that any player of it has no choice but to 'catch 'em all'".

impossible to draw a breath, much less take a moment to laugh at the revoltingly hilarious exploits.

campaign in the history of the United States", and that "It has been so revoltingly foul that there is real disgust at the fact that .

Marika Rökk recalled that "If we thought we had finished a scene, some revoltingly gifted technician would come up with an idea for improving it".

sequence as an "improvement" on Shakespeare's original sequence due to a "revoltingly ingenious" addition.

antisemitically entitled "The Jew Book", which described the Bible as "This revoltingly odious Jew production.

"'Here Comes Honey Boo Boo:' Revolting, or amusing? Or revoltingly amusing?".

how the BBC spends our money, you could have watched By Any Means, a revoltingly poor action drama about a covert police unit that operates beyond the.

supporting role into a hateful bit part and then kills her off with a revoltingly obscene flourish.

It was, according to the rabbi Reverend Leslie Hardman, "revoltingly sweet".

desperate attempt to find a rational explanation for events that are revoltingly absurd and,  after a journey interwoven with philosophical reflections.

Both she and Norman call each other by revoltingly sweet pet names.

marked by "an artificial and heavily emblematic style, and above all a revoltingly grotesque series of horrors which seem to have little function but to.


disgustingly; distastefully; sickeningly;

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