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revolts Meaning in Bengali

 অভু্যত্থান, বিদ্রোহ, দ্রোহ,




অভু্যত্থান করা, উত্থান করা, ঘৃণা করা,

revolts শব্দের বাংলা অর্থ এর উদাহরণ:

পার্সিয়ার শাহ প্রথম খসরু (৫৩১-৫৭৯) এর রাজত্বকালে যাযাবরদের নতুন অভু্যত্থান থেকে তাঁর সম্পত্তি রক্ষার জন্য দারবান্দে প্রতিরক্ষামূলক দুর্গ নির্মাণের ।

৩০ সেপ্টেম্বর : বগুড়া এ এক অভু্যত্থান ব্যর্থ বিদ্রোহ ঘটে ।

revolts's Usage Examples:

the slave population worked against a strong sense of solidarity, slave revolts did occur and were severely punished.

political power and political organization which occurs when the population revolts against the government, typically due to perceived oppression (political.

The revolts first erupted in the cities.

The Albanian revolts of 1833–1839 took place in Albania as a reaction against the new centralizing policy of Ottoman administration.

Spanish colonial period in the Philippines, 1521–1898, there were several revolts against the Spanish colonial government by indigenous Moro, Lumad, Indians.

Redistribution of land External factors such as plague and famine Later peasant revolts such as the Telangana Rebellion were also influenced by agrarian socialist.

Roman Empire 185: Army mutiny in Britain suppressed by Pertinax 190: Two revolts in Africa suppressed by Pertinax 193–197: Year of the Five Emperors and.

A number of revolts against the Turkish Revolutionaries broke out during the Turkish War of Independence.

Highway revolts (also freeway revolts, expressway revolts, or road protests) are organized protests against the planning or construction of highways,.

The history of labour revolts often provides the historical basis for many advocates of marxism, communism.

Mahmud Barzanji revolts were a series of armed uprisings by Kurdish Sheykh Mahmud Barzanji against the Iraqi authority in newly conquered British Mesopotamia.

There have been multiple freeway revolts in Atlanta, Georgia.

1935 Rumaytha and Diwaniyya revolt or the 1935–1936 Iraqi Shia revolts consisted of a series of Shia tribal uprisings in the mid-Euphrates region against.

unofficial circles in Greece saw the war as a great opportunity to incite revolts in a number of Greek-inhabited regions in the Ottoman Empire: Epirus, Macedonia.


intifadah; insurrection; insurgency; struggle; uprising; rising; rebellion; conflict; mutiny; battle; insurgence; intifada;


pull; please; spread; keep; respect;

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