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rule of thumb Meaning in Bengali

 চলতি রীতি, চলতি পদ্ধতি,


চলতি পদ্ধতি, চলতি রীতি,

rule of thumb শব্দের বাংলা অর্থ এর উদাহরণ:

রসায়নে কোনো ডায়াচৌম্বক কণা (পরমাণু, আয়ন বা অনু) শনাক্তকরণে একটি সাধারণ চলতি পদ্ধতি ব্যবহার করা হয়ঃ যদি কণাটির সকল ইলেক্টন জোড় থাকে তবে তা ডায়াচৌম্বকীয় ।

একে চলতি রীতি, রেওয়াজ, প্রচল, ধারা, হাওয়া, ঢং, কায়দা, ভাও, ইত্যাদি সমার্থক শব্দ দিয়েও ।

রসায়নে কোনো ডায়াচৌম্বক কণা (পরমাণু, আয়ন বা অণু) শনাক্তকরণে একটি সাধারণ চলতি পদ্ধতি ব্যবহার করা হয়: যদি কণাটির সকল ইলেকট্রন জোড় থাকে তবে তা তিরশ্চৌম্বকীয় ।

rule of thumb's Usage Examples:

The English phrase rule of thumb refers to a principle with broad application that is not intended to be strictly accurate or reliable for every situation.

approximation, Gaussian approximation, or Silverman's rule of thumb.

While this rule of thumb is easy to compute, it should be used with caution as it.

Hanlon's razor is a principle or rule of thumb that states "never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity".

To differentiate the two landforms, geographers use the rule of thumb that a mesa has a top that is wider than its height, while a butte has.

The Golden Triangle (Composition) rule is a rule of thumb in visual composition for photographs or paintings, especially those which have elements that.

than the traditional (but now challenged) "30 to 50 degrees latitude" rule of thumb of areas suitable for wine production.

It can be used as a rule of thumb for estimating a changing quantity where both the quantity and the steps.

As a rule of thumb, the Philippines' amihan weather pattern begins sometime in November.

syllogism (an argument based on a generalization) when an exception to a rule of thumb is ignored.

three (C++ programming), a rule of thumb about class method definitions Rule of three (computer programming), a rule of thumb about code refactoring Rule.

As a rule of thumb, a tapers beam had thread long enough to make 20 weavers beams.

The rule of thirds is a "rule of thumb" or guideline which applies to the process of composing visual images such as designs, films, paintings, and photographs.

As a rule of thumb, each field should be represented by at most ten positions, chosen by.

A bridge maxim is a rule of thumb in contract bridge acting as a memory aid to best practice gained from experience rather than theory.

As a rule of thumb, each field should be represented by fewer than ten positions, chosen.


finger; musculus abductor pollicis; pollex; thumbnail;


stay in place; discontinue; activity; action; activeness;

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