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ruminants Meaning in Bengali

 রোমন্থক প্রাণী,

ruminants's Usage Examples:

trough-feeding, managed or unmanaged pasture is the main food source for ruminants.

The ruminants (Ruminantia) consist of six families: The mouse deer (Tragulidae) are the smallest and most primitive even-toed-ruminants; they inhabit.

found in the gastrointestinal tracts of ruminants, horses, and swine, as well as the lungworms of ruminants and the hookworms of dogs and cats.

In particular, burping by domesticated ruminants, such as cows or sheep, is a major contributor of methane emissions which.

Tylopods are not ruminants.

peste des petits ruminants (PPR), is a contagious disease primarily affecting goats and sheep; however, camels and wild small ruminants can also be affected.

in ruminants.

Monogastric herbivores which can digest cellulose nearly as well as ruminants are.

including ruminants, birds, rodents, carnivores, horses, and humans.

The disease can also be spread from animals to humans, with ruminants and dogs providing.

(camelids) Artiofabula (ruminants, pigs, peccaries, whales, and dolphins) Suina (pigs and peccaries) Cetruminantia (ruminants, whales, and dolphins) Suborder.

artiodactyl taxonomy based on morphological analyses, where camels grouped with ruminants, hippos with pigs, and whales were unrelated.

In most respects, antilocaprids resemble other ruminants.

In domesticated ruminants, lactic acidosis may occur as a consequence of ingesting large amounts.

All members of the Ruminantia employ foregut fermentation and are ruminants: they digest food in two steps, chewing and swallowing in the normal way.

gastric lipase and is the cell responsible for secretion of chymosin in ruminants.

Anaplasmosis is a disease caused by a rickettsial parasite of ruminants, Anaplasma spp and is therefore related to rickettsial disease.

In this way, ruminants contribute about 25% of anthropogenic methane emissions.

One method of methane production control in ruminants is by feeding them.

It is the causative agent of Johne's disease, which affects ruminants such as cattle, and suspected causative agent in human Crohn's disease.


omasum; Ruminantia; artiodactyl mammal; prongbuck; mouse deer; pronghorn; chevrotain; bovid; deer; abomasum; Antilocapra americana; reticulum; first stomach; rumen; American antelope; giraffe; artiodactyl; Giraffa camelopardalis; pronghorn antelope; suborder Ruminantia; even-toed ungulate; camelopard; fourth stomach; psalterium; cervid; third stomach; pollard; second stomach;


odd-toed ungulate;

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