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subtending Meaning in Bengali

subtending's Usage Examples:

discovery, these shed fragments were spread out along the orbital path subtending an angle of 27 arcminutes from the comet's surviving head.

relates the measure of an inscribed angle to that of the central angle subtending the same arc.

any bract that arises on a pedicel instead of subtending it.

Bracts that appear in a whorl subtending an inflorescence are collectively called an involucre.

The flower heads and subtending leaves form a cylindric inflorescence, topped with a tuft of smaller,.

distinctly above the subtending leaf, it is described as concaulescent.

Flower and subtending bract Lilium martagon (flower and subtending bract) Concaulescence.

Diagrams are usually depicted with the subtending bract below and the axis above the flower itself, both in the median line.

The flower heads and subtending leaves form a cylindric inflorescence, topped by ordinary, more or less.

It has a whorl of conspicuous yellow leaves subtending the flowerheads.

genus Rudbeckia (in which it used to be treated) by the presence of chaff subtending the ray flowers.

from other Deutzia of Japan, is by its somewhat dimorphic leaves: those subtending the inflorescence being sessile and slightly clasping, while leaves lower.

brevifolia can be distinguished by the regular presence of 1-2 bracts subtending the sepals.

base of the florets (or receptacle) does not carry a bract (or palea) subtending each floret.

The inflorescence is erect, up to 45 cm long, with red or orange bracts subtending green, yellow or orange flowers.

two species can be distinguished by the length of the perianth bristles subtending the achenes.

successively mature bud's bract reflexes, opening the flower inside and subtending it, holding its delicate yellow 'petals' on display.

stiff and persistent with stout pedicels 5-8 millimeters long and bracts subtending flowers 4-10 millimeters.

eating the inflorescence bud when young and expanding the web onto a subtending leaf.

two black stigmata, as well as a poorly defined, ochreous brown shade subtending the stigmata and in the subterminal area.

are erect, verticillasters, branched with 1–3 series of sterile bracts subtending the branches, and with slightly curved flowers.


be; delimit;


agree; be well; change;

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