<< symmetrical symmetries >>

symmetrically Meaning in Bengali



symmetrically's Usage Examples:

chronic skin disorder, presenting in successive crops, skin lesions symmetrically distributed on the extensor extremities.

The riggers in sculling apply the forces symmetrically to each side of the boat.

As part of a large palace, pavilions may be symmetrically placed building blocks that flank (appear to join) a main building block.

They are typically employed in pairs, symmetrically on both wings.

Shrouds are attached symmetrically on both the port and starboard sides.

is made by taking two or more bare wires and wrapping them together symmetrically around the common axis of both wires.

The handle is symmetrically segmented and articulated to fold away on both sides to grip the longer.

The 2n faces of an n-trapezohedron are congruent and symmetrically staggered; they are called twisted kites.

If these are not placed symmetrically, the weight distribution is also biased to one end.

The pinch grip tie is often a neutral position when both grapplers symmetrically have the same hold on each other.

2 tesla produced by 20 toroidal field coils spaced symmetrically in the toroidal direction.

typical cigarette case is a flat box (commonly made of metal) that opens symmetrically into two halves.

In a quad scull the riggers apply forces symmetrically.

raised on a stem from a foot and usually two horizontal handles disposed symmetrically.

arthritis most commonly, and often presents with eroded or ulcerated symmetrically distributed umbilicated papules or nodules on the elbows.

One popular method to solve the problem is to skew the antenna panels symmetrically around the central axis of the mast.

symmetrically equivalent secondary directions, which are perpendicular to the z-axis.

Third position — symmetrically equivalent.

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