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technophiles Meaning in Bengali

technophiles's Usage Examples:

of the Kanda Shrine to Akihabara, the shrine has become a mecca for technophiles who frequent Akihabara.

the television show "Gunk TV", which catered to a young audience of technophiles and gamers, between 2004 and 2011.

of hackers, phone phreaks, engineers, computer programmers, and other technophiles.

hackers, telephone phreaks, engineers, computer programmers, and other technophiles, at one point reaching over 600 users until LDX, a long distance phone.

has been inundated with technophiles who do not see the downside of technology.

This is dangerous because technophiles want more technology and thus.

noir film (List) or an occult detective ghost hunter film Tech-noir, technophiles and technology harming a society in a dystopian setting Folk noir, a.

neo-fascist philosophy that underpins both the alt-right and Silicon Valley technophiles".

the pejorative term used to deprecate science fiction fans and other technophiles, who are stereotypically drawn wearing propeller beanies.

(Christian Martyn) and his older sister Alexis (Jodelle Ferland) are technophiles who isolate themselves from their parents Curtis (Doug Murray) and Catherine.

scientific explanation is denounced as "propaganda from life-hating technophiles", and blame for the ice age is instead solely placed on the society surviving.

the ineluctable result of industrialization, and holds scientists and "technophiles" responsible for recklessly pursuing power through technological advancements.

Generation Said "This much is clear: Google TV may be interesting to technophiles, but it's not for average people.


fancier; enthusiast;


naysayer; technophobe;

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