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thoughtfully Meaning in Bengali

thoughtfully's Usage Examples:

He sits behind a table with a book open before him, and gazes thoughtfully into the distance.

Deliberation is a process of thoughtfully weighing options, usually prior to voting.

Instead of long research papers, we specialize in thoughtfully designed digital interactives as well as dynamic content and databases.

Newer World is addressed essentially-and in this reviewer's opinion, thoughtfully and constructively-to the double crisis of conscience and confidence.

that: "the wise thing is for us diligently to train ourselves to lie thoughtfully, judiciously; to lie with a good object, and not an evil one; to lie.

Aronson showed him the film the poet is reported to have nodded his head thoughtfully and said, "So, that's Allen Ginsberg.

According to legal journalist Emily Bazelon, Edley "has written thoughtfully and moderately about affirmative action.

reception for the book has been mostly positive, with Newsday calling it "thoughtfully written".

architecture publication, heralded the hotel as being "straightforward, [and] thoughtfully conceived, [something] that is all too rare in the City today.

to action to councils, governments and road planners to properly and thoughtfully design in the safety of all road users, including those who would prefer.

Employers may look for individualized and thoughtfully written cover letters as one method of screening out applicants who are.

streets laid out in irregular patterns indicative of how the area was thoughtfully transformed from country estates into a streetcar suburb.

38-calibre revolver in his pocket, and he chewed peppermint gum thoughtfully.

Because acceptance from users is important, the deployment must be thoughtfully planned to ensure that the DW/BI system can perform and deliver the results.

is mostly on Konitz, and he is in top form, playing inventively and thoughtfully .

Undset had been critical of historians who locked into a view without thoughtfully considering opposing views and addressing them.

Other tracks are thoughtfully ruminative in ways that remind one of the Keith Jarrett American quartet.

An unknown presence is about me, and gazes thoughtfully.

American painters including: Grant Wood and Thomas Hart Benton, Wish thoughtfully combines the imagery of an esoteric philosophy with some of rural-America’s.

latticelike wooden construction to the wall and a chair to the space, thoughtfully positioned for ideal viewing.

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