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tokenistic Meaning in Bengali

tokenistic's Usage Examples:

Despite his promotion being little more than tokenistic, he takes his job much more seriously, and insists that others do the.

Coconuts no less, and some equally superfluous trumpet – the latter making a tokenistic jazz noise atop the impervious surface of the band's default setting,.

dramatic and, as I have said previously, removed from anything purely tokenistic.

Aboriginal people on television screens have traditionally been distorted and tokenistic, and contributed to perpetuating racist cultural stereotypes.

hip-hop-hybrid LPs almost out of obligation, 'I'm That Chick' doesn't feel even as tokenistic as Janet's 'Feedback' (which I like more, but only out of context).

involvement in the 2018 bombing of Damascus and Homs, which she described as a "tokenistic action" that would do "little to allay the human suffering on the ground.

the same interview, she said that she was angry some viewed hers "as a tokenistic appointment".

She described a proposal for political gender quota legislation as "tokenistic" and that women were able to get themselves nominated for election.

gained more traction in society, it has allowed for more men to adopt tokenistic support for feminism which lacks real substance.

"Activists criticise 'tokenistic' efforts after rebrand of Royal Mail postboxes".

Historian Rebecca Sklaroff, while writing that Joe's role was more "tokenistic" than black roles in the wartime films Sahara and Bataan, noted that Joe.

their use, and he questioned whether his unabashed populism had ignored tokenistic manipulation of participatory methods: his experience with larger organisations.

The day has also been reviewed as being promoted in a tokenistic way, despite the organisation's recommended guidelines of suggesting ongoing.

"Sometimes you face a situation with no good options, where tokenistic acts of morality may have unforeseen consequences.

The video was also criticised by some as tokenistic and that it did not address the problem of sexism in schools, and also.

Razer also criticized what she regarded as the tokenistic use of Aboriginal characters.

resources and skills generally render these programs "shallow" and "tokenistic".

The use of 3D seems entirely tokenistic (an excuse to hike up ticket prices rather than an artistic decision.

Likewise, the use of incorrect Scottish Gaelic in a tokenistic fashion aimed at non-Gaelic speakers on signage and announcements has.

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