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traceable Meaning in Bengali

 অনুসরণযোগ্য, অঙ্কনযোগ্য,


অঙ্কনযোগ্য, অনুসরণযোগ্য,

traceable শব্দের বাংলা অর্থ এর উদাহরণ:

দ্য সান অলসো রাইজেস প্রকাশিত হলে তার খ্যাতি ছড়িয়ে পরলে তিনি এই অনুসরণযোগ্য ধরন সৃষ্টির মাধ্যমে প্রথম বিশ্বযুদ্ধ-পরবর্তী প্রজন্মের মুখপাত্র হয়ে ।

থেকে অঙ্কনযোগ্য একটি সংখ্যা হল একটি দ্বিঘাত সমীকরণের সমাধান ।

ডিএনএ ট্র্যাকিং – লেবেলে সংযুক্ত বায়োমেট্রিক জীন যা বিশেষায়িত পদ্ধতিতে অনুসরণযোগ্য

আরও লক্ষ করুন π / 3 {\displaystyle \pi /3} রেডিয়ান (60 ডিগ্রি, 60° লেখা হয়) অঙ্কনযোগ্য

traceable's Usage Examples:

In the mathematical field of graph theory, a Hamiltonian path (or traceable path) is a path in an undirected or directed graph that visits each vertex.

Calibration to a traceable standard can be used to determine an instrument's bias, precision, and.

It also provides traceable approvals and processes.

The titles seem instantly familiar although not immediately traceable.

Club" and sought and gained the permission of Frank Playford, the only traceable member of "The Thames Club" at the time.

Its present national nature reserve covers more than the easily traceable area of the former isle by extending to the east, over Windmill Creek.

in Perth, Western Australia, from 1882 to 1990, though its origin is traceable from 1840.

used to define the originator traditions and practices (usually with traceable lineage) apart from other subsequent forms of Wicca.

The list of bailiffs is only reliably traceable from Philippe L'Evesque's appointment in 1277, although earlier bailiffs.

A ditch is also traceable for the length of the bank, although at varying states.

The calibration standard is normally traceable to a national or international standard held by a metrology body.

Work continues trying to trace if this might be a very extensive horizon traceable right across the preserved Sydney Basin (e.

1934, the area was difficult to access and was described as being "not traceable to any man-made feature".

The "breakaway" cause by a massive flood in early 1900s (not traceable).

Christie wrote poetry for most of her life; her first traceable published works are three poems from 1919: World Hymn in The Poetry Review.

when the money or property wrongfully in the possession of defendant is traceable (i.

Wheater's Field is now a housing estate and its location is traceable through the naming of three streets: Wheater's Crescent, Wheater's Street.

Their recorded history of statehood, which covers three dynasties traceable to the Late Bronze Age, reached the height of its power and achievements.

Today, nothing remains of the halt but the line is still traceable.

The Kushan folk theater is traceable to the 15th century when the Koch dynasty ruled Assam, West Bengal, and.




unascribable; unattributable;

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