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traced Meaning in Bengali

 আঁকা, উদ্দিষ্ট,


ঠিকানা, ঠিকঠিকানা, উদ্দেশ, পাত্ত, খোঁজখবর, খোঁজ, তল্লাশ, দিশা, সামান্য প্রামাণিক সাক্ষ্য, গমনপথ, পদচিহ্ন, সন্ধান, পথচিহ্ন,


খুঁজিয়া বাহির করা, খুঁজা, চলা, পায়ে পায়ে অনুসরণ করা, পথানুসরণ করা, পথচিহ্ন অনুসরণ করা, রচনা করা, লেখা, বর্ণনা করা, আঁকা,

traced's Usage Examples:

tracing is an unbiased rendering method, but a large number of rays must be traced to obtain high quality reference images without noisy artifacts.

The development of LIBRIS can be traced to the mid-1960s.

patriline ("father line") is a person's father, and additional ancestors, as traced only through males.

The study and practice of horticulture have been traced back thousands of years.

An academic genealogy may be traced based on student's doctoral advisors, going up and down the lines of academic.

projected photographed live-action movie images onto a glass panel and traced over the image.

one major version with seven books (traced to South India), another with six books, while the third version traced to the medieval Bengal region of the.

(2008) traced an evolutionary scenario regarding colonisation of different habitats based.

In this way, word roots in European languages, for example, can be traced all the way back to the origin of the Indo-European language family.

EmaSwati are part of the Nguni-language speaking peoples whose origins can be traced through archaeology to East Africa where similar traditions, beliefs and.

identifying the SARS coronavirus that caused the SARS pandemic of 2003–4, and traced its genetic origins to wild bats.

numerous versions, of which two are major and significantly different, one traced to eastern and the other to western regions of India.

The origin of the one-act play may be traced to the very beginning of drama: in ancient Greece, Cyclops, a satyr play.

The origin of the black-and-white cookie in New York City is commonly traced to Glaser's Bake Shop, founded in 1902 by Bavarian immigrants in the Yorkville.

formation must be large enough that it can be mapped at the surface or traced in the subsurface.

Its origins can be traced back to the 1950s, when artists like Jimmy Giuffre and Tony Scott pursued.

Tang Dynasty, Li Yuan (Emperor Gaozu), traced his patrilineal ancestry to the Western Liang rulers, and traced the ancestry of the Western Liang rulers.

The agal is traced in Semitic and Middle Eastern civilizations based on old Babylon artifacts.

Here the tradition is traced from early reactions to the French Revolution.


follow; observe; keep an eye on; keep up; watch over; study; analyse; canvass; canvas; watch; examine; keep abreast; analyze;


discharge; level; misconception; erase; hide;

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