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wolves Meaning in Bengali

wolves's Usage Examples:

More than thirty subspecies of Canis lupus have been recognized, and gray wolves, as colloquially understood, comprise non-domestic/feral subspecies.

than wolves) is the result of various historical and recent matings with various types of wolves.

Genetic studies show that most North American wolves contain.

A 2015 study reported genetic signatures in maned wolves that are indicative of population expansion followed by contraction that.

indicates that dire wolves had crossed Beringia when it existed.

The dire wolf was about the same size as the largest modern gray wolves (Canis lupus): the.

Red wolves were originally distributed throughout the southeastern and south-central.

Such transformations of "men into wolves" in pagan cult were associated with the devil from the early medieval perspective.

dogs but their status as dogs or wolves remains debated because considerable morphological diversity existed among wolves during the Late Pleistocene.


In both the Poetic Edda and Prose Edda, Fenrir is the father of the wolves Sköll and Hati Hróðvitnisson, is a son of Loki and is foretold to kill the.

University's Ethiopian Wolf Conservation Programme, which seeks to protect wolves through vaccination and community outreach programs.

The genetic divergence between the dog's ancestor and modern wolves occurred between 20,000 and 40,000 years ago, just before or during the.


Canis lupus tundrarum; brush wolf; genus Canis; canid; grey wolf; Arctic wolf; Canis rufus; timber wolf; red wolf; maned wolf; wolf pup; canine; coyote; wolf cub; Canis niger; Canis lupus; prairie wolf; Canis latrans; white wolf; Canis; gray wolf;


female; male; sound; nonexploratory; official;

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