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woman Meaning in Bengali

 বয়স্ক স্ত্রীলোক , নারী জাতি , স্ত্রীলোকসুলভ মনোভাবাদি


মাগী, পরিচারিকা, দাসী, প্রণয়িনী, নারীকুল, স্ত্রীজাতি, স্ত্রীলোক, মেয়েলোক, রক্ষিতা, অঙ্গনা, রমণী, ললনা, মেয়েমানুষ, মানুষী, জনি, জানী, জানানা, বনিতা, মানবী, স্ত্রী, মহিলা, নারী,

woman's Usage Examples:

A woman is an adult female human.

A trans woman is a woman who was assigned male at birth.

For example, someone who identifies as a woman and was identified as female at birth is a cisgender woman.

non-normatively by not conforming into the binary gender categories of "man" and "woman".

A lesbian is a homosexual woman.

Elizabeth was later quoted as referring to the Duchess as "that woman", and the Duchess referred to Elizabeth as "Cookie", because of her supposed.

second woman to win.

Earning four Academy Award nominations for the film, Zhao won both Best Picture and Best Director, becoming the second woman in history.

called Mary of Magdala, or simply the Magdalene or the Madeleine, was a woman who, according to the four canonical gospels, traveled with Jesus as one.

Assigned male at birth, Jenner publicly came out as a trans woman in April 2015, announcing her new name in July.

to the creation myth of the Abrahamic religions, were the first man and woman.

"History's oldest woman a fraud? Russian researchers claim 122-year-old Jeanne Calment was actually.


lady; tart; cat; matron; deb; virago; white woman; Black woman; madam; nymphet; gold digger; heroine; mantrap; dish; bas bleu; old woman; bridesmaid; sporting lady; vestal; cocotte; baggage; unmarried woman; shiksa; harlot; widow woman; ball-buster; sweetheart; lady friend; stunner; woman"s body; girlfriend; vamper; prickteaser; ball-breaker; temptress; female person; femme fatale; cyprian; minx; bachelorette; nymph; coquette; B-girl; working girl; vamp; flirt; nurse; Cinderella; female; peach; eyeful; bachelor girl; ex; grass widow; widow; mestiza; maid of honor; dominatrix; enchantress; young lady; debutante; ma"am; lulu; Wave; woman of the street; missy; wonder woman; sylph; shikse; materfamilias; miss; Wac; adult female; fille; adult female body; mistress; inamorata; divorcee; amazon; smasher; lady of pleasure; young woman; dame; nanny; bar girl; houri; married woman; tease; nullipara; siren; grownup; looker; broad; jilt; girl; fancy woman; ex-wife; donna; knockout; bawd; geisha girl; Delilah; wife; beauty; geisha; kept woman; prostitute; gravida; adult; jezebel; matriarch; nursemaid; maenad; bluestocking; mother figure; yellow woman; whore; ravisher; gentlewoman;


ugliness; juvenile; man; husband; male;

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