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affirmatively Meaning in Bengali

 নিশ্চয় রূপে

affirmatively's Usage Examples:

forces, and widespread public support, all of which have to be answered affirmatively before military action is taken.

Calvin Stapert affirmatively states that it was composed in the group of 15 symphonies within Haydns.

a trial judge seeking to impose a greater sentence on retrial must affirmatively state the reasons for imposing such a sentence.

a bill by taking no action (keeping it in their pocket) instead of affirmatively vetoing it.

employees affirmatively object to subsidizing nonchargeable speech by public-sector unions, rather than requiring employees to consent affirmatively to subsidizing.

Generally, the defendant must affirmatively show (i.

that a defendant in a federal criminal trial on a felony charge must affirmatively object to the supervising of jury selection by a magistrate judge, ruling.

This was answered affirmatively and independently for n ≥ 4 by Grigory Margulis and Dennis Sullivan.

conduct public services of worship using certain distinct elements affirmatively found in scripture, and conversely, that God prohibits any and all other.

In addition to affirmatively specifying the field of use, the license may negatively specify a field.

The question was answered affirmatively by Thøger Bang (1950, 1951).

Specifically, the Court held that judges are not required to affirmatively instruct juries about the burden of proof for establishing mitigating.

Principles adopted at the party's first convention in 1972, in contrast, affirmatively endorsed the minarchist perspective with statements such as "Since government.

respondent who answered a difficult question affirmatively will necessarily answer an easy question affirmatively.

Sidney Janis helped as much as anyone to see that it was decided affirmatively.

The latter was answered affirmatively by Kurt Gödel in 1929.

The Ohio Supreme Court answered both questions affirmatively and placed a narrowing construction on the statute.

Although A did not promise to affirmatively do anything, A did promise not to do something that he was allowed to.

The question was affirmatively answered by Dimitrie Pompeiu by constructing an explicit example; these.

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