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be pleased Meaning in Bengali

 খুশি হত্তয়া, সন্তুষ্ট হত্তয়া, পরিতুষ্ট হত্তয়া,

be pleased's Usage Examples:

Asakir have related from 'Ikrimah, May Allah be pleased with him, from Ibn 'Abbas, May Allah be pleased with him and his father, that he said on the Qur'anic.

Benn claimed to be pleased with the size of his vote, which represented a quarter of the parliamentary.

Dozier, 24 August 1863, "You will be pleased to have as many boats fitted with torpedoes as you can hoist up to the.

of the transition: Hoping, moreover, that His Catholic Majesty will be pleased to give his subjects of Louisiana the marks of protection and good will.

Constitution, such powers and functions of the Queen as Her Majesty may be pleased to assign to him.

an "offering" ritually presented to a deity or a dead person, hence "be pleased, be gracious, be at peace".

Allāh be pleased with her" Example: "Khadījah (Raḍiya ’llāhu ‘an-hā) .

" Raḍiya ’llāhu ‘an-hum (Arabic: "رضي الله عنهم") Translation: "May Allāh be pleased.

Spector claimed to be pleased with the response from the critics and his peers, but he then withdrew.

Thugs will be pleased with the vicious verses, and yet any club will still get hopping with.

Allah be pleased with him) did not call himself to be a caliph and was not given the oath of allegiance to it when he fought Ali (may Allah be pleased with.

"Oh, mother will be pleased".

It just read, "Oh, will be pleased.

Almighty be pleased with him, in which he said: Another hadith was also narrated by the companion Abdullah ibn Umar, may God Almighty be pleased with him.

reports:[citation needed] One night I went out with Omar Ibn Al-Khattab, may Allah be pleased with him, touring Al-Madina when we sighted a lamplight in a house whose.

marriage to Khadija bint Khuwaylid (may Allah be pleased with her).

His father Yasir (may Allah be pleased with him) was from Yemen and migrated to Makkah.

May your highness be pleased to send me a round pot of raphanus oil.

He can be pleased simply by doing a pooja with a kalash of water or placing Bilva leaves.

Rwanda at the Olympics Rwanda at the Paralympics "The Greek gods would be pleased--the 2004 Summer Paralympics revisited", Palaestra, September 22, 2004.

performed well, but there are enough surprises and great solos that fans will be pleased.

Let your excellency therefore be pleased to write back your wishes, either persuading his worship to stay at his.

mentioned on a MySpace blog that fans who favor the "heavy" sound will be pleased.


amused; content; gratified; entertained; encouraged; bucked up; diverted; chuffed; delighted; contented;


discontented; displeased; disapproval; approval; unbelief;

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