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be proud of Meaning in Bengali

 গুমর করা, গৌরব করা, দর্প করা,

be proud of's Usage Examples:

I say, 'No, it's something to be proud of.

His father told him: "to work hard, to show his lion’s heart, and to be proud of Israel and show people we are still alive.

Ofsted also said that 'Cardinal Newman is a school which has much to be proud of and an exciting future to look forward to.

that we should be proud of".

"Global nation Inquirer: What Filipinos can be proud of".

first, it was kept tonic accent in the national universe, being able to be proud of integrating one of the most significant and comprehensive collections.

you have every reason to be proud of him.

2017, a video emerged of Gauland in which he said that Germany should "be proud of" its soldiers in both world wars and people should no longer "reproach".

influenced by the genre of rock, lyrically stating how the listener should be proud of who they are.

movement and philosophy that individuals with mental illnesses should be proud of their 'mad' identity.

am arrogant, but I love myself, and why should I not allow myself to be proud of what I have achieved?" The EP is a showdown with the pop sound Medina.

But I grew accustomed to be proud of Moscow And everywhere I repeated these words My dear capital, My golden.

aligned, which advocates that individuals with mental illness should be proud of their 'mad' identity.


sniffy; self-aggrandizing; persnickety; vain; immodest; purse-proud; swollen-headed; snooty; disdainful; bigheaded; self-respecting; vainglorious; uppish; self-aggrandising; overbearing; pleased; bragging; cock-a-hoop; too big for one's breeches; lordly; egotistical; swelled; self-important; crowing; self-respectful; proud of; swaggering; stuck-up; snotty; braggy; snot-nosed; dignified; big; boastful; chesty; egotistic; prideful; beaming; supercilious; shabby-genteel; braggart; swollen; conceited; house-proud; arrogant; haughty; overproud; imperious; self-conceited; pride;


modest; humble; immodesty; decent; discontented;

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