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be successful Meaning in Bengali

 বিজয়লাভ করা,

be successful's Usage Examples:

Italy's return to the contest has proved to be successful, finishing in the top ten in eight of the last ten contests (2011–21).

guidance of all creation and of humanity in particular, on how to live and be successful on Ayé (Earth).

Victoria was a symbol of victory over death and determined who would be successful during war.

sacrifice the first of the green corn to ensure the rest of the crop would be successful.

in 1905 he accepted the offer of a publisher who thought they would be successful, given the fame Debussy had gained in the intervening fifteen years.

he initially placed the song in a drawer feeling that it would not be successful.

pilot is meant to be the testing ground to gauge whether a series will be successful.

to develop in cadet candidates the skills and character necessary to be successful at the Academy.

These ideas ultimately proved to be successful in 1947 in the culmination of the Indian independence movement.

socialist or communist cause in order for a proletarian revolution to be successful.

banal sentiment "It's spring again, and birds on the wing again" and be successful.

These talks are ongoing and should they be successful, then Madrid will host the 2025 ETC.

After being put to vote, the motion is deemed to be successful only if passed by a majority.

I don't feel you can be successful in this particular genre if you are opposed to the message.

and have high rates of failure, but a minority of them do go on to be successful and influential.

his first non-minimum salary contract since 2012, and he continued to be successful off the bench.

the Round Table reserved by Merlin for the knight who would one day be successful in the quest for the Holy Grail.

renewed by Network Ten for another season for 2017, and has continued to be successful since.


prosperous; palmy; made; victorious; in; productive; success; flourishing; roaring; no-hit; prospering; booming; sure-fire; self-made; triple-crown; thriving; winning; boffo; undefeated; fortunate;


failure; unproductive; unfortunate; defeated; unsuccessful;

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