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bottom up Meaning in Bengali

 উল্টো অবস্থায়,

bottom up's Usage Examples:

There are two basic approaches that can be used: bottom up analysis and top down analysis.

now) The heapify procedure can be thought of as building a heap from the bottom up by successively sifting downward to establish the heap property.

nanotechnology refers to the projected ability to construct items from the bottom up, using techniques and tools being developed today to make complete, high.

emotional states (top down) or the sum of the individuals' emotional states (bottom up).

(the traditional Lost Cause of the Confederacy view), it was much more "bottom up", as thousands of religious tracts were distributed among the soldiers.

Visual attention is influenced by top down and bottom up attentional processes.

Cutting from the top down is overbucking and from the bottom up is underbucking.


pumped; tense; wired; pumped up;


relaxed; unagitated; easy; unstrain; relax;

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